View Full Version : Something solid inside neck! Tumor/ lump? Help! Allready half year still worried...?

17-02-14, 16:08
I have something solid in the left part of my neck. It has been there for probably more than half a year or even more. (I now remember that it MIGHT have been there even 10 years ago - but it MIGHT have been there only for a short time and dissapeared then so... but I donīt have that good memory )

I have red spots around there also.

Before some weeks I had a red spot there on Skin ( but the tumor / lump thing is inside neck not on top ) and the the hard thing got bigger on skin even.
So I googled if it is cancer and have heard that cancer loves sugar so I stopped eating sweets for a week and it got it better ( the red spot is no longer connected to the tumor ) and the red spot almost dissapeared and tumor seemed to have moved back inside the neck
- like its HUNG up on the blood vein or thyroid (probably thyroid).

So it got better little bit but then I also started eating lot of salt and chrisps (i heard iodine can help thyroid ) and it seems to got worse but today stopped (with sweets too for a while)

But this week I Ate all the sweets i saved from the last and im worried if the cancer(?) could have fed itself... Please help i dont want to go to doctor because im not 18.

I was also eating baking soda for about half a year or so, so can it have something with it ?

17-02-14, 16:17
If it's been there for half a year your fine, you would be incredibly ill if it was something bad.

Not only that, but what you describe is most probably a node and a perfectly healthy one by the sounds of it as it's reacting to those nasty refined sugars your eating!

I'm sure fishmanpa will hop in and give you his story. The bottom line is your fine, especially as your not even 18.

I see this is your first post as well so welcome :D

17-02-14, 16:40
You're supposed to have something solid inside your neck--lots of things, in fact. Your description hasn't ruled out the possibility that you're just palpating one of those--there's a big hunk of cartilage there, for instance.

It's also not likely any week-long dietary change had anything to do with a difference, and I really don't like the way you're darting back and forth and eating stuff that's really not great for you. What the heck are you eating baking soda for?

17-02-14, 16:43
Haha thanks It made me feel better.. Now I also remember drinking 9 liters of only water a day (routinelly) when eating much sweets... My hands also seem to have white skin (maybe getting diabetic?) but it got lot better now , i have one family member that is diabetic, but my father eats sweets all the time and he seems ok.

Now when I stop eating sugars i dont feel the need to drink much water, only 3 bottles of day instead of 6 but i donīt know... I now try to stop eating that sweets and see what happens :D

//but that hard thing is only on the left side and feels scary when i touch it =(

/// and i heard baking soda might cure cancer so ate that but had just diarrhea all the time :D

///// now tried eat garlic because i heard that has iodine , maybe it will fix, now this garlic i eat didnīt give me diarrhea too lol...

before i was eating onion =s

17-02-14, 17:16
Johnyy, you're going to hurt yourself with fad eating, not cure a cancer you don't have. Eat a balanced diet with a lot of fresh or lightly cooked veg and some fruits, limit the crisps and sweets and stuff that comes out of a packet that you can eat while standing up, and stop chowing down on a single ingredient like that.

Sweets make you thirsty, so it's not surprising that you wanted to drink more when you ate more of them. I'm not sure where you're going with the white skin on your hands thing, but that's really not a classic sign of diabetes.

If your neck feels scary when you touch it, stop touching it! It's not making anything, especially the skin issue, any better. You can consult with a doctor or nurse if you're really concerned about it, but my guess is that it's either a natural asymmetry or you feel it more on one side because of the hand you're using.

17-02-14, 18:59
No, I ofcourse tried it with different hand, but I also have been sitting a long time (about 5 years or more) with my head rotated to the right to my PC...

Now I think the cells might have mutated (but i think it might not be that cancer as written before) so the cells adapted to the position of the head and made the left side of my neck bigger lol...

There are lot of carcinogens around here too :( ://... But again I donīt think it could only be cancer so...

And anyway how can I cure it ? Can I eat something and it might go away? what then? Or should I buy iodine and put it on that spot ?

17-02-14, 19:17
Oof--none of what you're saying makes the slightest bit of scientific sense :D.

I'm not even going to get into your weirdly mutating cells. But you don't even know if you have something that should be "cured"; most bodies are full of lumps that are utterly harmless and much better left alone. And no, eating random things and slapping random things on the outside of your neck aren't going to change this; they're only going to make you unwell and your skin annoyed.

I admire your experimental zeal, but seriously, you are going to hurt yourself by these mad attempts at "repairs." If you're concerned about your neck, ask a doctor--don't eat a peck of tinfoil or wrap yourself with dead badgers or whatever else is flitting through your mind. Okay?

17-02-14, 19:19
I have something solid in the left part of my neck. It has been there for probably more than half a year or even more. (I now remember that it MIGHT have been there even 10 years ago - but it MIGHT have been there only for a short time and dissapeared then so... but I donīt have that good memory )

I have red spots around there also.

Before some weeks I had a red spot there on Skin ( but the tumor / lump thing is inside neck not on top ) and the the hard thing got bigger on skin even.
So I googled if it is cancer and have heard that cancer loves sugar so I stopped eating sweets for a week and it got it better ( the red spot is no longer connected to the tumor ) and the red spot almost dissapeared and tumor seemed to have moved back inside the neck
- like its HUNG up on the blood vein or thyroid (probably thyroid).

So it got better little bit but then I also started eating lot of salt and chrisps (i heard iodine can help thyroid ) and it seems to got worse but today stopped (with sweets too for a while)

But this week I Ate all the sweets i saved from the last and im worried if the cancer(?) could have fed itself... Please help i dont want to go to doctor because im not 18.

I was also eating baking soda for about half a year or so, so can it have something with it ?

I've heard he adores Chianti, whenever you drink Chianti, he behaves himself. Absolutely hates Beaujolais though, if he even smells that he metastasizes right away... :)

17-02-14, 19:24
Sounds like a lymph node (it is normal and healthy for them to become enlarged in response to any infection... such as the red, bumpy skin irritation you mentioned; they produce white blood cells that destroy infections in your body).
It could also be a dermatoid cyst. The neck is a common place for them. They can be hard and can grow to quite a good size. They can be painful or non-painful. I got one behind my ear when I was your age, and the doctor had to lance and drain it.
It does not sound like any type of cancer or serious illness, but please see a doctor if it will ease your mind. You don't deserve this worry. Best of luck.

---------- Post added at 19:24 ---------- Previous post was at 19:22 ----------

Oof--none of what you're saying makes the slightest bit of scientific sense :D.

I'm not even going to get into your weirdly mutating cells. But you don't even know if you have something that should be "cured"; most bodies are full of lumps that are utterly harmless and much better left alone. And no, eating random things and slapping random things on the outside of your neck aren't going to change this; they're only going to make you unwell and your skin annoyed.

I admire your experimental zeal, but seriously, you are going to hurt yourself by these mad attempts at "repairs." If you're concerned about your neck, ask a doctor--don't eat a peck of tinfoil or wrap yourself with dead badgers or whatever else is flitting through your mind. Okay?

But- especially if it's a dermatoid cyst of some sort- picking at it, palpating it, and otherwise manipulating it could make it much worse. It could become inflammed or even infected. But of course, that's exactly what health anxiety sufferers do when they discover a lump or bump...

20-02-14, 20:32
Hey again.

So yesterday i again ate lot of sweets and so this "tumor" seem to have again enlargened itself!!!
But today it has even moven to the right side !!! What do I do?
But it seems that now it is on the other side and feels wired but not so much since i stopped touching it so much as advised and seems that it is less sensitive to touch now
What do i do i now really try stop eating sugar but i feel im addicted lol

// but my usual "maximum" daily dose of sugar is 3 bars of sweets but today i just ate amedium sized sugar meal (my mistake!!!)

!People arond me eat sugars almost nonstop!!! They chew those sugar crap and have no problem,what justice is this!

///now i touched it again and seems to have moven back(?!) into the neck (but still a part of it is on right)

Also i didnīt mention that i have red spots all round neck again!!!!!

Just after 2 days after eating the sugars too off the norm.. Help please =/ I just donīt feel much good with it... And the posibility that it is cancer that i can controll seems bad to me too, because i hope i donīt overfeed the cancer =D so it doesnīt spread uncontrollably =(... Isnīt there some quick fix..?... and I ainīt going to the doctor, i got no money for the cancer drug that will create even more cancer. (If i had that cancer which probably not - and I know my neighbour once had a TUMOR AND HAS HAD IT OPERATED !!! MAYBE THE DOCTORS WERE WRONG AND HE JUST HAD A LIMPH NODE ! AND WHAT THEN THEY WILL SAY SORRY? )

/////But now i just looked into the mirror and seen that there are only a few (about 4 of the red spots) - before there were about 15 and there is now on the far side of neck (about 5cm under ear a little red dot) what do i do?? and what is it is it that cancer?:(

//////what is this! i now touched another part of neck and it seems it has also bump! is it that cancer! please help me!

20-02-14, 22:49
Johnyy, cancer doesn't run to the other side of your neck and then back again, and you're not giving yourself cancer from what you eat.

I suspect your neighbor knows a lot more about his treatment than you do and was satisfied with the reasons for his tumor removal.

Do your parents know how worried you are about this? Do you have a counselor at school you could talk to? You could really use somebody close to help you through this in a way that a message board can't.

21-02-14, 20:45
no they donīt know...
But before when i was younger they did and said that thats a node (i probably didnīt know what cancer even is) so perhaps i have been having problem with it but i was a long time before!
But now i remember before half year i was contaminated(my body) with a known carcinogen (donīt want to get into details) but im sure something happened since i have felt something very weird (like mutating cell or enlarging tumor - so i know there was something with the carcinogen) but i didnt eat any sugar with it but I WA ALSO TIRED WHEN I FELT THE MUTATION/WEIRD FEELING IN NECK - Hurting but in a different way that a cut or fire! Sort of a pain i couldnt even feel (i know how stupid that sounds)

So today I felt very tired but was avoiding sugar but when i felt tired i - stupid me - ate a little bit of sweet. But then my tiredness got better...

I didnt feel any tumor or crap it all seemed good because it was also a little piece..
But before half an hour i ate a little chocolate bar(like snickers size) because i was very very tired . But in half hour i drank a whole bottle of water(1,5l) which i usually do when i eat sweets! Tiredness seemed fixed for a while but i felt tired and wired (like when i felt the mutation).

Could i be sensitive to sugar? a member from my family(not close) has diabetes. But i do drink only water! Not cola and eat sweets at the same time I also noticed my hands are sometimes white rashy so i think i can be sensitive. Can I?

21-02-14, 20:46
Johnyy, you need to tell your parents how you feel and/or talk to a counselor.

21-02-14, 20:53
No im not telling them. What if they put me to chemotherapy and then what? It will destroy my immune system and therefore increase my chances of getting cancer for sure..

I want to cure myself with natural only. Haha

But I wanted to add there something (didnīt edit it fast enought)

So after I ate the last chocolate (before about 40 minutes //it was only 25 gram) I in about 25 minutes realized that something is happening there so I said screw it lets just touch it now (i was trying not to touch it as reccomended) and I seen that it is still there! On the left side but also small part on the right side!... No!! =(
It also seems that the neck is sometimes hotter than usual(like now)

Ok so now I will try to lessen the sugars, but what do I do when I feel I need them like today? But think Iīm just over scared with this... Because it doesnīt hurt or anything... I was just experimenting lets just touch it (because I thought that something should happen there) - but it is now less sized than a week or 3 or 4 days ago ! :)

But I think that if it is a cancer it might have absorbd the sugar =D or something... =/
So might that be connection because Iīm tired? But I had a long day also that happens when I have long days (but I then again I was tired when I felt the mutation or something wired and couldnīt even move just had to stand! And the only thing that seemed to help me was fresh air :/ - half year ago) - Sorry but if you use a known carcinogen(i found only later- BUT after i used it - on almost everything - and im sure it got into blood because i put it on my skin) and it such thing happens to your neck when you have been breathing it also then you would probably believe it also!

What can I do pleeease beside telling parents or anyone.. pleease, should I eat vitamin D? Because I heard it might protect from cancer and now is cold so sun is not shining and we have reduced vitamin D.


21-02-14, 21:19
There is no "besides," Johnyy. You have to talk to somebody who can make sure you get help. You can't just sign somebody up for chemotherapy, and they wouldn't do that if you don't need that.

If I answer any more it will just delay your getting the help you need, so I'm stopping here. Go show your parents or a teacher or a counselor your posts here, Johnyy. They need to know how distressed you are so that they can help you.

21-02-14, 23:43
One on of the best things for health and anxiety is exercise ... can you get out and go for a run?

08-03-14, 01:39
Hello there, Johnny. I hope what I'm about to say will help you out a lot.

Firstly I want to agree with my fellow posters on pretty much all counts. We are worrying about your anxiety more than anything. I have to say you sound a lot like me when I was about your age (I'm guessing a bit, but I would say you are between thirteen and seventeen?) I knew just enough to scare myself sick, but not enough to actually understand the problems I convinced myself I had. I was doing exactly what you are doing now: self diagnosing in a panic. Even now I suffer from that a bit, hence why I (and so many others) are here on this forum. We are not doctors, we are not here to diagnose each other (although I won't deny the temptation to ask "what's wrong with me?" Can be very strong for me. We are just here to reassure one another, and share experiences. That was what I came here today to do when I saw your post.

Even so, in spite of what I just said I feel it will help you to know that the things you have described in NO WAY SOUND LIKE CANCER. As said, I cannot diagnose you in any way and am not qualified to do so. Only a doctor could do that, which is another reason why you need to go see one. But The wealth of experiences people on this website have does not suggest you have cancer.

In fact, did you know that anxiety often creates physical symptoms, like feeling sick, tired, anxious, achey, and run down? It can even mess with your sleep patterns, your hair, your skin... I bet it aggravates small lumps you would otherwise barely notice, too. The list of things caused by worry alone is rediculously long! I would be willing to bet that is what is happening to you. The sense of 'weirdness' you get is probably due to your nerves being on constant edge, because you're so frightened.

The amount of sugar you're eating a day is not in any way good for you. (It's not going to kill you either, mind you, not unless you eat nothing but sugar for a couple of decades, then it will probably just make you a bit ill!) Processed Sugar is a sort of artificial food in a way. It does NOT give you cancer, or be abosrbed by tumours or anything like that. But it has no nutritional value whatsoever. Our bodies crave it and it can be quite addictive yes. The reason you felt more energised after eating sugar is because sugar DOES give people a very quick, very SHORT energy burst. That is why sugar and fatty foods are so popular. Asides from tasting good, They're also a "quick fix" for tiredness, but after the rush of energy comes the crash and you feel even worse than before. Too much Sugar can also lead to headaches, as well as all sorts of other general discomforts. Not to mention it's unhealthy long term. If you sort out your diet, eat healthily, and just have sugar as a treat you will feel better. Those things help with anxiety too! Worrying will literally make you feel more ill. And so will having too much sugar, even though it may temporarily seem to make you feel better!

That is why I must again agree with my fellow HA sufferers: you absolutely NEED to talk to your parents and ask to see a doctor, not for any physical reason but because we can tell from your writing that your anxiety is really stressing you out and making you feel awful. I know that's not what you want to hear, but it's the honest truth. They are not your enemies, they are there to help you. Doctors are clever people, well trained and they will be able to help you sort it out. And they meet people with all kinds of problems every day. They might decide you could do something called Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (I've had that) to help you work through your feelings. Or maybe something else.

They are not just going to stick you in chemotherapy, that is a very very serious treatment and the use of it is NOT done lightly. Chemotherapy is effectively poisoning your body in order to fix a bigger problem, but your body heals from that. Chemotherapy, one of the major treatments FOR cancer, does NOT make you more likely to GET cancer. It simply doesn't. Your body also does not simply 'mutate' when it comes into contact with foreign bodies... or at all, in fact. Mutations don't just happen in real life. It isn't like in Spiderman ;)

Don't believe those dumb shows on tv, no not even the hospital dramas. They're not realistic at all. :flowers::). There are also an awful lot of scare stories in magazines, newspapers and on tv about doctors missing major problems, or tiny things turning out to be terrible, but those things are usually extremely rare, if not totally overdramatised, and have given people a very warped slant of how medicine really works.

You have thousands of people here on this website who know exactly what I mean and understand how you feel. Don't ever think you're alone nod please, please tell your parents.

Sorry this reply is so huge!