View Full Version : scared im going to die

17-02-14, 17:44
I no I have posted a couple of times about my head and that I fell over a week ago and have mild concussion i have had a headache in the back of my head/neck since and i'm terrified i have a slow bleed on the brain and that i am going to collapse and die, i also heard today that my friends uncle had collapsed and died yesterday he had a bleed on the brain, he was 60. But because they didn't scan me what if they have missed something how can they tell me i will be fine they cant see inside my head.

17-02-14, 17:50
Have a word with your doctor to put your mind at rest:)

17-02-14, 18:00
i am waiting for a call back, but i no they will just say it's my anxiety, i'm scared they will miss something.

17-02-14, 18:01
I would call your doctor at this point. Reassurance here isn't really helping :(
I'm sure you're fine but hearing it from a medical professional may be better to help you put away your fears.

Positive thoughts

17-02-14, 18:03
Thank you, i'm having horrible symptoms but it may be from my HA, i don't no the difference sometimes between whats real and whats in my head.

17-02-14, 18:04
Tell them it's still hurting and it's worrying you, let us know what they say when they've called back.

17-02-14, 18:05
Thank u, I will. x

17-02-14, 18:29
Thank you, i'm having horrible symptoms but it may be from my HA, i don't no the difference sometimes between whats real and whats in my head.

I can give you an example from my perspective as one that doesn't suffer from anxiety.

Over the last week or so, I've been anxious. I call it "scanxiety". I'm going tomorrow for my three month check up. Over the weekend, Saturday and yesterday I was trying to relax and I started getting chest pain. It hurt pretty bad too! After about 15 minutes of this I starting thinking "Damn, this hurts....maybe it's my heart". Mind you, I had my 2nd heart attack and stents put in Oct. 2012.

Ok... Logic needs to kick in here.... How can it be my heart when I just had everything repaired a little over a year ago? So... CBT techniques... Relaxation and distraction and guess what?... Pain went away! The same thing happened yesterday and even today I feel a general tightness. But it's stress and "scanxiety" and I know it full well! Hopefully, tomorrow about 4:30pm after I've been scoped, poked and prodded all day by three different doctors, I'll get the all clear and I'll be good for another three months. Then when I get home I can assure you the Dragon will have vacated his campsite in my backyard ;)

When you can apply the logic and techniques for coping with the feelings you're having, the symptoms you're feeling will dissipate.

Positive thoughts

17-02-14, 18:41
Thanks fishmanpa, I can't believe all you've gone through and yet your still strong and positive! It was 3 yrs ago I was really poorly and then again a yr ago when I had a miscarriage in later stages and lost a lot of blood passed out needed a blood transfusion need one again soon as my iron is still ridiculously low, which I no cause my dizziness, but u have been through son much more and don't have this stupid HA!

What u have said makes sense I no half the time it's my anxiety and Ive been strong for a while and even come off my meds a month ago.

Spoke to me dr and he said I'm nearly out of the danger zone he's not worried so I need to stop worrying, he said that I would have had more symptoms then a headache and it would b such a servere headache.

Thank u x

17-02-14, 18:43

17-02-14, 19:32

Wishing you all the best with your scan, everything will be clear I'm sure. Love the term "scanxiety", I'm sure that term will be used frequently now!! Once again, all the best my friend.


17-02-14, 19:33

Wishing you all the best with your scan, everything will be clear I'm sure. Love the term "scanxiety", I'm sure that term will be used frequently now!! Once again, all the best my friend.


There is a special thread for Fishmanpa, but the admin unfortunately moved it somewhere where no one can see it :(

17-02-14, 19:47
There is a special thread for Fishmanpa, but the admin unfortunately moved it somewhere where no one can see it :(

Thanks Andrash and everyone else... I had to look around but found it in "Misc."... I'll let you all know how I get on.

Positive thoughts

17-02-14, 20:31
When you go wash youself in shower : do not put hot water on your head (if you were outside or in cold ) , because when you do and you were just coming from cold environment your little veins might explode =D I heard it from my old teacher - that if you come home from cold place, you shouldnīt put your hands into hot water but into cold! Because of the veins might explode you know :D

But donīt put yourself into very cold water to heal it because you might damage it more, try to some neutral temperature not so hot or cold ok.

And donīt worry you probably have nothing. I donīt recommend going to doctor because they might open your head and screw things up...

Just go get fresh air and in time the vein might even fix itself...
But if not in 1 month it donesnīt get better or in 2 months then go to the doctor. :D

// And also try breathing slowly but deeply so your heart pumps slower and so if you have some bleeding in there it doesnīt bleed so fast =D

17-02-14, 21:31
Thanks Johnyy although I don't think your comments are that reassuring to someone who has health anxiety and is vterrified of something happening, your comments would scare me more than reassure me.

17-02-14, 21:41
When you go wash youself in shower : do not put hot water on your head (if you were outside or in cold ) , because when you do and you were just coming from cold environment your little veins might explode =D I heard it from my old teacher -

That sounds like an old wives tale.... In my time here on earth I've never heard of such a thing.

that if you come home from cold place, you shouldnīt put your hands into hot water but into cold! Because of the veins might explode you know :D

If you have "frostbite" you shouldn't put the affected limb in hot water. It should be placed in room temperature or luke warm water,

But donīt put yourself into very cold water to heal it because you might damage it more, try to some neutral temperature not so hot or cold ok.

If you look up frostbite first aid, there are many sites that offer practical and medically sound advice.

And donīt worry you probably have nothing. I donīt recommend going to doctor because they might open your head and screw things up...

Excuse me? You're certainly welcome to your belief and opinion but I beg to differ

Just go get fresh air and in time the vein might even fix itself...
But if not in 1 month it donesnīt get better or in 2 months then go to the doctor. :D

I have to be honest as I'm not sure what you're getting at here

// And also try breathing slowly but deeply so your heart pumps slower and so if you have some bleeding in there it doesnīt bleed so fast =D

Certainly maintaining calm in an emergency situation is prudent but again, I'm not sure what all this pertains to.

Positive thoughts

17-02-14, 21:47
Thanks fishmanpa, scared the crap out of me lol

17-02-14, 22:10

I would ignore that post, strange to say the least, haven't heard of anything like that. I have hit my head many many times in the environment I work in ( building trade) and some have been some very sore whacks (off joists in attics, off scaffold, and even had a concrete block fall and hit my head no hard hat :) ). Once on holiday many years ago I was a bit tipsy and fell in room, cracked my head off solid wooden headboard and knocked myself out. I'm still here!!! Believe me the head is made of some very very strong stuff. You will be and are absolutely fine. When I knocked myself out I had a sore/tender head for a couple of weeks and was terrified of flying home as I thought the high altitude pressure would cause something to pop!!! As you can tell with me posting, nothing happened and I look back and think "silly bugger". It's been over a week since you bumped your head so again please believe me when I say you are perfectly fine, once you believe that the symptoms will ease, you just need to break the circle. I have a couple of spare hard hats if you want one for your next trip to the pub:yesyes:


17-02-14, 22:27
ha thanx Barrym u made me lol, a hard hat and a hi vis would be good for my next outing to the pub.

Thanx for the reassurance i no i'm being silly and i'm so annoyed at myself as i was doing so well, first time i have been off meds in three yrs, and one bang to the head and right back there again :( i've beaten it before i'll do it again :yesyes:

17-02-14, 22:32
Don't forget the rigger boots lol, they will just think your on the way to a fancy dress party as one of The Village People :D

That's the spirit, you have beat it before and YOU WILL beat it again, it's just a wee blip, we all have them. Your fine, and the head is def 100% fine.
