View Full Version : Val

17-02-14, 17:48
Hi anyone who has given up smoking and can help with distraction methods - no ciggies for a week and I am having a really bad day today.:weep:

17-02-14, 23:13
Welcome to the forum, Val.

I stopped smoking in 2006, granted I used nicotine lozenges to help.

I found that the best way is to embrace all the benefits that you will gain from being a non-smoker. I read Alan Carr books too.

Distraction IMHO doesn't work, because you're still replacing your "need" with something else. You know you're trying to distract yourself from what you're "missing" (this is an erroneous belief, you're missing nothing, it's the addition calling not the drug).

You have to try and believe that you're a non-smoker from day 1. The more you count days (I never did, it helped a lot) the more you're focussing on what you're trying to leave behind.

It's hard, I know, it took me a few attempts, but as soon as I accepted that I was a non-smoker (not just giving up) I knew I would succeed.

blue moon
18-02-14, 13:59
Hi Val and welcome.Iam a smoker have been trying to give up but to no avail.I will try again soon.I think keeping busy is the key,hope tomorrow is better day for you.

Petra x:D