View Full Version : What's the point...?

17-02-14, 22:58
Hey all.

I wasn't sure where to post this but decided to go here since I seem to be more depressed than anything...
I've been doing well with my health anxiety, mostly because I've never had the time to think about it due to university. I thought I was doing alright, I mean I'm studying art which is something I've enjoyed all my life, I've met some great people and the professors were telling me that I was doing ok, despite the hour long commute I had to do to go to their classes in the first place.

But then my report card turned up in the post today.
Every comment the professors had written was something like, "too average, needs to do better". It was a real kick in the stomach. Especially after looking back at the amount of work I've been doing since the beginning of term and the effort to get it all done. All for some remark about it not being good enough, what do the professors want me to do instead?!

Sorry I'm starting to turn this into a rant, but as you can see this has made me so angry and depressed. I've basically lost the will to carry on.
I really don't want to stop doing something I love, because if I just sit there doing nothing I'll end up panicking because of my health anxiety.

Yeah, so that's basically what's happened. This is probably trivial compared to what some people in the world must go through everyday but thank you for taking your time to read this. I apologise in advance in case someone thinks that my post is a complete waste of time but I just needed to vent a bit.

All the best,

18-02-14, 11:10
Everybody receives criticism, it's essential in my opinion to learn.

You can turn this into a positive, go back to the professors and lecturers and ask how you can improve. I also think art is a very personal thing so what may not be what hey want it maybe everything to someone else. X

18-02-14, 11:41
Thanks for your reply, you're right I should turn this into a positive. I know I don't take criticism very well but looking at yesterday's post now makes me cringe a bit, I sound like I'm having a tantrum!:blush:

18-02-14, 12:29
It didn't say below average, so that's a positive! Also, your professors will want to push you so that you can achieve a good result. Ask their advice on how you can improve and go from there. X