View Full Version : Weird lump on my gum beside molar

18-02-14, 00:56
I looked in my mouth because I felt some weird lump but it looks a lot worse in the mirror than it felt, Its big and almost looks like a tooth trying to come through the gum because it has a white tip(well kind of). No way can that be a tooth??

I'll try to best explain, the molar in the middle, well beside it this thing:ohmy: has come up... and seems to be sort of pushing the tooth over to the side a bit but that could be my imagination,

Back story:

I had severe pain in those bottom teeth recently really severe pain that came and went then it came again but would not go, went to see the dentist they gave a dose of antibiotics and told me to go away and my dentist would see me at my next appt... so I finished them now this thing has come up. The pain did go away so I assumed the infection had too and this must be something different...how could this be an infection if I was just on meds?

But, she took xrays, these should have been looked at so no way could it be a tooth right?? If it's bad the xray should show it?

I googled gum boils too and it dont look like one of them it's bigger and quite long in length like the size of the whole molars length. gum boils look small and round.. and really red not looks like a tooth underneath!although the white stuff could be puss inside I guess but it also does feel hard by my tongue touching on it....

Omg any advice before i explode with anxiety? :weep:

18-02-14, 01:04
Could it be a wisdom tooth impacting on your molars?

18-02-14, 01:23
Sounds like an abscess.

18-02-14, 02:51
Sounds like a mandibular tori.
It is a benign, bony growth. It is common, and does not require treatment unless it becomes so large that it is interfering with your ability to chew. They rarely become that large, though. I have one on my gum. It's been there for decades. Since I know what it is, it doesn't bother me.