View Full Version : HA getting worse

*Fallen Angel*
18-02-14, 11:30
It's steadily getting worse and now I can't sleep at night. I'm still terrified of ovarian cancer even though I had a scan in Nov. A small collapsing cyst was seen on one ovary but she couldn't see the other one so I'm worried something is on that one:blush: My symptoms have reduced and are more cyclical so my Dr thinks it's probably endometriosis but I'm waiting for a gynae referral.

My dizziness is also really bad and it's not helped my being anemic. I can't take any form of iron, even the spatone as it gives me terrible stomach cramps. I read online about poly iron but I don't think you can get it over here, does anyone know? I try and eat iron rich foods and some days it's not too bad, but others are awful. I feel so dizzy, light headed and m eyes feel like a pressure is over them, sort of feels like when you do that silly cross eyed thing as kids!

Add to that, one of my best friends took his own life before Xmas and this week wold have been his birthday. I'm a bit of a mess.

On the bright side I have started counselling through my uni with a counsellor who is trained in CBT techniques. I need to get a hold on this HA and anxiety in general as it's making me feel so unwell and can't sleep! I fall asleep ok but can't stay asleep and spend around 3-4 hours each night lying there. Weirdly I don't feel tired in the day but I think that's the adrenaline.

Not only that, I have 4 essays due in in the next 2 weeks and I've only done half of one. I just can't get started, I'm pathetic.

18-02-14, 12:29
You are not pathetic! It's great that you are doing the CBT it has helped me a great deal. The doctors do not play around with anything suspicious. I remind myself that's they don't want to get sued. They often order tests just in case. If the doctor told you it's a cyst it's a cyst. It sounds like you are in college. You are too young for ovarian cancer. Try to write the essays don't put it off because of the anxiety. I used to avoid doing things because the anxiety was too great. You can't give the anxiety that power. Feel better :hugs:

18-02-14, 12:36
Fallen Angel, it sounds as if you've had a bit of a rough time, and I'm very sorry to hear about your friend. Congratulations on statprting CBT. If you work the techniques daily, it can be extremely helpful.

18-02-14, 12:40
On a practical note - getting your iron levels up will really make you feel better (low iron affects you emotionally as well as physically). I know you said you can't take the spatone but have you tried a liquid iron formula called ferroglobin? You can get it in Boots. I don't think there's a huge amount of iron in it, but it'll do *something*. I can't take normal iron supplements as they play havoc with my digestion in every possible direction (!), but this stuff, just one or two teaspoons a day, straight after food, is OK.

*Fallen Angel*
18-02-14, 17:11
Thanks for the replies. I should have said I'm a mature student at uni (I'm 34:blush:). I've tried the Ferroglobin too and that's worse than the spatone. The dr told me to stop taking the iron as my last iron levels put me just in the acceptable category but I know it's not as I keep having symptoms.

I read somewhere that anxiety can actually stop you absorbing iron but I don't know how true that is.