View Full Version : Anxious parent of an anxious child?

18-02-14, 13:28
Hi All,

I'm a newbie so just going to introduce myself briefly. My name is Rosie and although I consider myself 'cured' from Selective Mutism I still go through periods of anxiety. At school I had trouble speaking (I hardly said a word) and I never thought that over ten year's later I would have a normal job and have been in a relationship for over five years but here I am.

I'm currently on a writing course and for my current assignment I'm writing about childhood anxiety. Is there anyone who has an anxious child and is anxious themselves who would mind sparing a moment to answer a few questions for the article? I'm at the early stages of the course so it's not likely the article will be published but it will be great to find out how people feel about the subject and you never know, it might be my first bit of published work! I've put the questions below, please feel free to answer here or private message me. I can leave names out if required.

Question 1: How would your younger-self describe having anxiety when you was a child (if applicable)?

Question 2: As a parent how do you feel having anxiety has aided you in helping your anxious child?

Question 3: As a parent how do you feel having anxiety has hindered you in helping your anxious child?

Many thanks for reading and for any replies, it's much appreciated

18-02-14, 13:51
1. Feeeling shy and nervous and unable to stand up to the rigours of school life and relating to other children.

2. Feeling I can use my adult knowledge to promote a more relaxed lifestyle and not to let things get on top of you.

3. Low resistance to stressors in the outside world and the ability to get overburdened by stress and let it affect myself and others.

21-02-14, 13:27
Thanks Lucy appreciate the reply. I haven't got children but being so shy when I was younger this is something that I think I would struggle with most. I'm reading the book Overcoming Your Child's Fears and Worries about how children pick up on other people's worries and the main thing I get from it is that by helping yourself try and overcome anxiety you're already helping your child.
