View Full Version : My five days in hospital

18-02-14, 15:44
Well its been a eventfull week. I was rushed into hospital Friday again with bad chest pain radiating to arm and neck they ran bloodshed ecg ect no heart attavk. But on my way out I collasped! They rushed me straight into a cardiac ward and hooked me to a cardiac monitor. Over time I got so bad I couldn't move out of bed. So they did a urgent echocardiogram which thankfully was clear. One cardiovascular Doctor suggested a angiogram but consulted with a few other cardiologists and eventually never went along with it. So I am now discharged with 5 more clear ecgs and a perfectally normal echo. But my chest pains persist..sigh. while it is very reassuring I have been discharged I just wish the pain would ease. As a side note the nursing staff at watford aau are a godsend and made sure i was always comftable and were there in seconds when I had my falls. A credit to the Nhs

18-02-14, 16:32
So after all these tests...you can now be reassured that there is nothing wrong with your heart....yes?

18-02-14, 17:03
To a certain extent. My fear is unstable angina and echos don't rule it out

18-02-14, 17:03
I'm sorry you had to be in the hospital, but thankful all is well. I hope you feel better soon!!

18-02-14, 18:06
To a certain extent. My fear is unstable angina and echos don't rule it out

Nothing will completely rule it out, but a pile of normal ECGs and the opinions of several doctors, including a cardiologist, is as close to certainty as we get without hurting ourselves.