View Full Version : iron levels

18-02-14, 16:44
need some advise, i have been feeling rubbish last couple months had some bloods done and im low in ferritin its at 16, doc said heomaglobin in range so havnt gone anemic yet, anyway i asked why i felt so ill and doc said i shouldnt do as not anemic yet,
my symptoms

extreme tiredness
depressed a little
hot at night some time in daytime
a little breathless
and weak if i do much

i went to town today and come over all weak and hot im scared its panick has anyone else had symptoms with low ferritin (iron stores)


18-02-14, 17:35

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your post was moved from its original place to a sub-forum that is more relevant to your problem.

This is nothing personal - it just enables us to keep posts about the same problems in the relevant forums so other members with any experience with the issues can find them more easily.

18-02-14, 21:10
I've got low ferratin but not anaemic. I was I think 25 and took one packet of tablets and only got up to 26....Dr says probably normal for me as a menstruating women and I topped up what I lost. When I was initially diagnosed I felt lousy. Low blood pressure, especially dizzy on standing, extreme tiredness, slow pulse, very anxious (more than normal). It got a bit better after the course of iron but I really struggled to take the iron as it messed my tummy up massively. I started now taking spatone which is a lot more tollerable for me. But I'm hit and miss with it and have been noticing the tiredness again lately. Dr said not to worry about it but that's easier said than done eh

18-02-14, 22:37
Hi I have had low ferritin a few times and I always feel ill when it's low tiredness, stinging eyes, no energy ,bbreathlessness and lightheaded I am feeling like its low at minute getting a blood test on Friday to see take iron it will make you feel better in no time. Toria x

19-02-14, 14:31
thanks everyone, its horrible i am feeling anxious and breathless and so tired can hardly function, one doctor said its not the low ferritin another said could be i get different answers , i read online it can give u symptoms before you get anemic.
i worry about the out of breath worse, i get out of breathe when i talk or eat and it feels like my nose blocked likes it dry.

22-02-14, 05:01
Just an alternative to consider. You did mention that you feel really tired, and out of breath when you talk or eat. It does sound to me like you could be overbreathing/hyperventilating without realising. I used to do the same thing when I was suffering from anxiety, and it only came to my attention when my doctor asked me to breathe in for 9 seconds and out for 11 seconds. I could only breathe in for 3-4 seconds and then out again! Try doing some breathing exercises and see if you can breathe in for 7-9 seconds and out for 9-11. If you struggle to breathe in for longer than 3-4 seconds it's likely that you are hyperventilating constantly without realising. It won't cause you any damage, but it does reduce the oxygen available to your body which is why people who hyperventilate get exhausted so easily and often feel short of breath and light headed. It may not be this, but it wouldn't hurt to give it a shot :)

22-02-14, 09:32
This is interesting. I can breath out for a long time, probably past 11, but I can't breathe in for longer than about 4 without feeling panicky and like I can't breathe...

23-02-14, 19:25
i have no reason to be hyperventilating though, because i wondered this myself can low iron levels make you more prone to this?

23-02-14, 22:42
You don't have to have a reason to be hyperventilating. Sometimes your body just picks up a habit of breathing faster without you realising. This happens even in people without anxiety and it results in similar symptoms such as exhaustion, shortness of breath, weakness, etc. Funnily enough, chronic hyperventilation can actually cause anxiety :P

23-02-14, 22:43
can it be cured?

23-02-14, 23:23
Of course :) It's just a matter of practising your breathing with breathing exercises and relaxation methods. You can find breathing exercises online which are really helpful. Meditation is also fantastic to help balance your breathing and reduce hyperventilating. Again, you can find classes online or on youtube or you may even have some local meditation classes that you can attend. You could also ask your doctor about it, they may be able to give you more advice :)