View Full Version : A silly question but I don't want to slip into another HA episode

18-02-14, 17:20
I hope I've put this into the right category!

I've been doing really well recently (thanks to not googling anything) but I randomly came across a photo on instagram of all places relating to breast cancer and since then I feel like I'm fighting a slip back into a HA episode and I'm wondering if someone can give me some clarity!

Sorry also if some of this is a bit TMI! I've always (or a while at least I think) had quite lumpy boobs. I checked my boobs in the past but nowhere near as often as you're meant to (silly I know I check them monthly now) I recently discovered a lump and I became a bit fixated on it. Then I realized I had no idea if it had always been there or if it was new.

I've had two Dr's check my breasts recently and I mentioned the lump/lumpiness to them and they both said "it's about knowing what's right for you" but that worried me because I thought "I DON'T know whether this is right or not!" I'm not sure if they really felt the lump but they both did through breast checks.

My question is.. Would the Dr's be able to know if there was something a bit dodgy going on, even if I couldn't reliably say whether the lump has always been there or not? Because they know what they're looking for with this I imagine? The Dr did say it was quite possible that I was pressing too hard or "rolling" too much.

My health anxiety has made it almost impossible to remember what my body was like before the HA started!

Can anybody help? Sorry if this seems like a super silly post.


18-02-14, 17:48
It's not a silly question. However, if 2 doctors have examined you and neither are concerned then I think you have to try and accept that. They really don't mess about with breast lumps and I'm sure they would have referred you if they were in the slightest bit concerned. The problem with HA is we can't stop ourselves focussing on things and I, for one, become completely obsessed. I'm of an age for routine mammograms and I spent 3 weeks in a terrible state just waiting for the results! X

18-02-14, 18:06
They recommend you check your breasts 10days after your circle. Plus you may have dense breast tissue. Like me. If in any doubt pay privately for an ultrasound. I'm very lumpy bumpy and have had two mammograms as precautionary measures, just so any chances could be detected. I didn't believe my doctor, and paid privately for a breast consultant to look at them. Everything was fine.

19-02-14, 11:14
Hi Jilly,

Thanks for the reply. You're right of course. The old me would have just accepted the first Dr telling me everything felt OK - I need to get her back! I feel like I'm getting to a point now where I can rationalize these things in my head but external triggers are really affecting me at the moment. Argh.