View Full Version : Need to ask this before I google and drive myself mad

18-02-14, 20:43

Yesterday I noticed that my left armpit was really sore to the touch. As if it was bruised. Except there's no bruising. A few weeks ago I had the same thing and I think it was the same armpit. It's not as sore today as it was yesterday, but I'm still freaking out a bit. The only reason I panic is because I've seen people mention about lymph nodes in armpits, otherwise I'd not have known.
Is this a bad sign, or a symptom of something? I don't know if it's just a pulled muscle, because it only hurts if I touch it.
Any ideas would be great. I'm having serious Google urges.
Thanks x

18-02-14, 20:45
It's most probably something as simple as using too much deodorant :)

18-02-14, 20:52
Yeah possibly, thanks.
I'm thinking it must be muscular, as hurts only if I stretch out or do something involving that area, or to push it. That sounds muscular doesn't it? If it was a lymph node it would just...hurt?

18-02-14, 20:53
Not sure if your male or female, but if your female and you shave under your arms it could be an ingrown hair under the skin. I've had this happen to me several times and it's VERY sore to touch, even if there is no bump there it can still be one. It's happen to me on many ocassions.

18-02-14, 20:54
It can still hurt when you move it if the skins irritated :)

18-02-14, 23:20
Yeah it could. It just feels bruisey though, that kind of pain. But there's no rash or bruise. I thought I might have pinched it in my clothes or something, but again there's no redness or anything. So I'm hoping it's just muscular :(
Is this an overreaction? Sometimes I just need to be told!x

---------- Post added at 22:57 ---------- Previous post was at 21:01 ----------

Just read this Leslie. Yeah it could be that, didn't think of it!
I am female yeah.
I'm really worrying it's some sort of C and it's spread to a lymph node. Can anyone help get this out of my head? X

---------- Post added at 23:20 ---------- Previous post was at 22:57 ----------

Anyone? Sorry, I'm panicking

18-02-14, 23:24
I had this, I read a stupid site and panicked myself to desth, along with chest pain this caused my health anxiety. It was nothing, I went from a bubbly happy outgoing girl to an absolute wreck and my life is in tatters, please don't let that happen to you. X

18-02-14, 23:30
If it was C you'd be worrying about more than just a little pain in your armpit.

Try and think rationally before spinning straight to the worst, what could you have done that may have caused that pain? have you overstretched? slept awkwardly? anxiety hates rationality :)

If the number in your name reflects your age, it's incredibly unlikely that you have what you described.

Have you got something to occupy yourself? like a book or a film? I know when I feel bad mindless TV helps, unfortunately :doh:

18-02-14, 23:32
For me i try to not google it. When i feel something wrong i will be here try to looking for the old post. See if people have similar symptoms and looking for help. I find that help me a lot.

18-02-14, 23:36
I'm thinking it must be muscular, as hurts only if I stretch out or do something involving that area, or to push it. That sounds muscular doesn't it? If it was a lymph node it would just...hurt?

I had something like this a few months ago! With certain moves my armpit was extremelly painful, I couldn't even open the door with that arm or carry my handbag. It was gone after a week or so, I suppose it was a muscular issue.

take care

19-02-14, 00:02
Thanks for these replies guys.
I'm hoping it's just related to muscles or deodorants or something along those lines. I can't see or feel any swelling or lumps so that's good. No doubt I'll keep poking til I find one.

19-02-14, 01:41
I've had this many times. Sometimes it is lymph node soreness (I think), and other times, it's like an ingrown hair or infected hair follicle or something, from shaving.
Several times, I've made doctors appointments, but the soreness always goes away before the appointment, so I always end up cancelling.
If you're like me, the soreness will be gone within two or three days.
I know it's hard, but see if you can just wait and observe for a couple of days.
It might be a good exercise in recovery. Do not Google. Do not see a doctor. And above all, do not poke and prod at your armpit, you'll make it worse.
Just wait 72 hours before you do anything else. I'll bet you anything it will be gone.

19-02-14, 01:49
I had the exct same thing yesterday. I just said heck with it. Don't let it bother you. Anxiety causes so many muscular problems, tension, etc... Can be coming from tight shoulder or neck muscles. Nothing to worry about.

19-02-14, 11:14
It's been there since Monday, but was much more painful then that it is today. It is still there though which is creeping me a bit.
Could it be because I'm due a period this weekend? Sorry for TMI'ing, but I'm just wondering if it could be hormone related.
It feels like I have a massive bruise. It's weird.x

19-02-14, 11:19
I get soreness under my arms before a period occasionally. Much like some women (me included) get sore boobs before a period - your breast tissue does go right up to under your arms, so I've always assumed it was that, just hormonal changes causing a bit of breast tenderness.

The other thing, though, is that even if it is a sore lymph node you're feeling (it probably isn't) sore lymph nodes really don't immediately equal cancer. If lymph nodes are sore it usually means your body is fighting some sort of infection - including just a mild virus of some sort.

19-02-14, 12:28
Yeah. My throat feels a little sore today so maybe theres a cold coming. I dunno! It's just so weird. It does feel less sore today so I'm hoping it'll be gone.
It has happened before though and I just thought I'd injured myself somehow, but now its happened again I'm worried. X

19-02-14, 13:06
Lymph nodes are good, and it is the body's normal and healthy response to any infection, no matter how minor, that the lymph nodes become enlarged. They are producing white blood cells to help you fight off the infection. This is the response of a healthy immune system.

19-02-14, 13:45
If I have sore underarms followed by a sore throat, I'd definitely assume virus - even if it doesn't come out as proper cold symptoms, you can have a kind of low-level thing that your immune system is fighting off (which is what your swollen lymph nodes are - as the previous poster says, it's a sign that your body is doing what it's meant to!). My lymph nodes go up at the slightest thing. Though interestingly I have a couple of friends/acquaintances who reckon they often get a sore throat and mild cold symptoms right before their periods. Not sure how that works, medically speaking, but that's what they reckon!

20-02-14, 20:44

I had to reply to this because I could have written your post. I've had this several times, always the same armpit and usually same place.

What I have realised is mine seems to occur about 7 days after shaving my armpits so I'm figuring it's an ingrowing hair/blocked sweat gland or something to do with the razor irritating my skin.

It's exactly as you describe, I can't see anything, can't feel anything but it feels like it's bruised if you look on here you will see I've posted about it a couple of times as I was worrying about the whole lymph node thing.

But I've tried to console myself with the fact that it only lasts about a day, always coincides with my shaving the area and I can't actually feel anything. I think if it were anything sinister it wouldn't go away and there would be something to feel.

My money will be on shaving, my mum also said she gets it and had to switch to an electric razor, I think it's pretty sensitive under there.

20-02-14, 20:50
LF, the last post was shooting tummy pains and the fear of ovarian cancer. What are you doing to work on recovery from your anxiety problems.

20-02-14, 21:04
Thanks for the replies on this. My armpit is no longer sore and I'm still worrying about these stabbing pains. I just posted in another thread I had.
Tanner, I'm still concerned about ovarian C, because I'm still having these shooting pains. I know it sounds silly but I can't shift the idea. Infact I'm having a really bad night!
I've tried contacted the psychological department several times about when the lady I see will be back, I keep getting told they'll contact me. And I've just spiralled back to square one completely.
I need some reassurance or something about the stabbing pains.
Sorry. I'm just panicking a lot

20-02-14, 21:08
Nothing to be sorry about, LF. Reassurance is not what you need. You need what we all need, acceptance that these symptoms are most likely related to anxiety. I'm truly sorry that you're having a bad night. what about doing some online CBT? That generally helps me to calm my thinking and to see things in a more rational light.

20-02-14, 21:17
Thanks. Yeah, I might try that actually.
I've just become fixated on these stabbing pains. Whereas before reading about ovarian C and all that stuff, it probably wouldn't have concerned me. Not this much anyway.
It's so hard all of this. I feel constantly on edge. I am scared my doctor is going to refer me for ultrasounds and tests.