View Full Version : short of breath all day and hot flash

18-02-14, 22:49
So today I've spent the whole day feeling like my chest is closing up. Eventually it started to hurt to breathe, presumably cos I was breathing so hard. Now I've been feeling incredibly hot for the past half hour; I'm sitting here with my window open and a cold cloth. I have a nervous system condition that can sometimes do this when it's bad, but it's not supposed to be dangerous and my oxygen is fine (touch wood). But it makes me totally panicked sometimes and that makes things worse :unsure: Any tips?

18-02-14, 22:57
It's prob not the same, buy I've been feeling run down these past few days, I seem to be mote short of breath than usual and I keep having hot flushes... its not nice at all...

Sorry I can't be more help

19-02-14, 16:50
Thanks all the same; hope you start feeling better. God I'm still feeling bad today. Think I might be fighting off a virus. I feel like I want to go to hospital and I can't tell how much is just panic. Haven't been this bad in ages :-( I have an appointment to start seeing a psychologist tomorrow and I'm afraid I won't be well enough.