View Full Version : Absolutely gutted my life is falling apart around me.

18-02-14, 22:59
God I'm so gutted. Things were looking good, I had anxiety sorted (not fully but good enough to enjoy life again) and now suddenly its back to square one.

I am absolutely alone and can't talk to anyone about this as they aren't interested. I'm booking CBT again to have another try because I:m sick of living in fear.

I'm in severe pain with my back, chest and arms with pain running into my left hand and fingers, I have pain in my neck, pain in my jaw and throat. I keep getting pins and needles in my eye and my neck, now waiting for a stroke or something.

I'm so scared I am just in tears wonderint where it all went wrong. I'm in so much pain and I'm so frightened. I'm sorry for starting another thread, but this is my only way of getting these feelings out. Just devastated :(

18-02-14, 23:06
Ask yourself how you managed it the first time round?

18-02-14, 23:10
I managed first time when my symptoms starting letting up. The past few days I have been crippled with pain without a trigger, which is why I am starting to worry. People are so so horrible to me about my anxiety as well which only makes things worse.

Absolutely everything is attributed to anxiety that if anything was wrong it would be completely missed.

18-02-14, 23:14
You're not alone in how you feel, I too just feel like I'm going round and round in the same rubbish circle. And I also don't get a great deal of support either.
I'm waiting for my CBT to restart and hopefully things will improve. Hope they do for you too. We can't give in though! X

18-02-14, 23:15
I get no support at all. Just a lot of crap and people threatening to section me. I havr had so many frightening symptoms this week that I'm on the verge of a breakdown :(

18-02-14, 23:59
I've had the old 'you should be sectioned' crack too. Just small minded folk who don't understand the complexities of the human brain. These are stupid people, so I really wouldn't take offence.
My symptoms are very real this week too.
Hope you feel better. X

22-02-14, 09:20
Roxy, I'm so sorry to hear about your health anxiety. I'm in the same boat... my husband admits to feeling annoyed at my anxiety, so I confide in my Mom and brother, and a few trusted friends instead. I'm also in a vulnerable place, trying to stay objective about my symptoms and overall health, but I easily fall into a paralyzing fear that keeps me awake nights (like right now). I'm currently searching for a therapist trained in CBT or a similar method, and I hope you can find someone to help you that way as well.

Regarding your symptoms, have you and your doctor considered fibromyalgia? I was diagnosed with fibro after a difficult 1.5 years full of all kinds of strange, new, and alarming symptoms. While fibro is unpleasant in many ways, people can still live a long and healthy life in spite of it. Once I had the diagnosis, I was able to relax about the symptoms and find ways of managing them. Anytime I hear someone with strange pains, tingling, etc., I hope that fibromyalgia is one of the conditions doctors test for. It's important to test for all possible causes, of course, but once that's done--as strange as it may sound, if all other possibilities have been ruled out, the diagnosis of fibromyalgia comes as a relief, because the symptoms are finally explained and the person knows there is no longer a reason to worry.

Anyway, I hope you're able to find answers, both for your symptoms and for managing your anxiety. Keep us posted.