View Full Version : Genital Herpes Concern

19-02-14, 00:09
Hello everyone, here I am yet again. I'm going to save the intro, but I would just like to say thanks for all of those who have helped before- I am back with another question.

I have been great with my paranoia and such, but I have recently just moved to a dorm room. I share showers/toilets with around 20 other males. I am very cautious of what I do and don't touch. With that said, I have a concern that has been growing and growing and I needed to vent.

Let me jump right to it: If I were to go use this communal bathroom, then go and masturbate- could I contract herpes this way?

Say if someone with the virus touched the door handle? or the shower curtain? or the sink?

19-02-14, 00:26
No, you cannot contract genital herpes from sharing a bathroom. You get it from genital to genital contact. It doesn't live on inanimate objects. Do not worry! You will be fine!

19-02-14, 01:12
Yeah there is no way. Skin to skin contact. Men used to tell women they got STDs from public toilets because they didn't want to admit they cheated. I'm a science teacher believe me it's impossible.

19-02-14, 03:23
I've heard it can live on wet towels for a brief amount of time, so don't share towels.
It cannot live on hard, nonporous surfaces such as bathroom fixtures.
Even if you somehow got it, though, it would not be the end of the world.