View Full Version : Does anyone else experience this??

19-02-14, 02:20
So ive been dealing with really severe anxiety for the past few months and its really hindered the way ive been eating.. Ill go days sometimes a week without eating anything. And i wanted to know if anyone kinda felt this way after they eat a little bit at a time. Like. My body just doesnt feel... Right? My stomach feels odd and my throat feels weird but it also feels tight. My head feels like im not all here. Should i go to a doctor or be worried? Or is it all, anxiety related/caused?
Btw. Im 18. Im. A relatively healthy individual from what doctors have told me. But due to my anxiety, ive lost 16 pounds in the past month due to vomiting and not eating.

19-02-14, 02:29
You must try to settle and eat, you can't go for a week without eating anything no one can.

19-02-14, 02:58
I would eat little hand fulls of cereal sometimes. just so I could have something in me. Sometimes I have a yogurt of something. I eat little things but not enough to get me through to the next day.

19-02-14, 03:11
Yes I've gone days without eating. Once 2 weeks with eating very very little. My mother would fill a baby bowl with cereal to coax me to eat. This has happened to me 3 times. I'm overweight so I can lose a few pounds but not eating puts your body under stress. Try to eat 3 small meals to start with your body will feel better right away. I was told that turkey promotes a sense of well being. I'm sorry you are feeling so bad :hugs:

19-02-14, 03:20
Yes, I am 5 feet four inches tall, and weigh only 107 pounds currently.
My normal weight is around 120.
I have been in the grip of extreme, spiraling anxiety since October, and have been unable to eat normally during that time.
I find it easier to drink, and have been having protein shakes and things lately, so I believe I've arrested the weight loss, since I am taking in a normal amount of calories now. I just find it very difficult to swallow when I am in a panic all the time, because my throat is so tight. Liquids are easier than food.

19-02-14, 03:27
Wow you guys are such a help. Thank you so much. Do you guys also ever experience really weird chest pains? The place right under my sternum and my chest will feel really weird at times. and It freaks me out a lot because I'm scared its something serious. I know I shouldnt be worried but sometimes it burns. Sometimes it hurts. Sometimes it feels tight or like theres pressure. And yeah. It's scary :wacko::weep:

19-02-14, 04:17
I get this too sometimes. Just anxiety.

19-02-14, 04:23
I get this too sometimes. Just anxiety.

Thank you very much. I get really scared about it because my health anxiety is kinda what makes me break most of the time.

19-02-14, 04:50
I used to get extremely dizzy after i ate. I would get the shakes. Fast heart beat. Etc. It wwasn't until I got diagnosed with general anxiety that it stopped. It only took one event and I took my meds and it was gone. Then I knew it was nothing but anxiety and it hardly ever happens now, I used to dread lunchtime.