View Full Version : The Good and the Hmmmm

19-02-14, 02:29
So folks,

Good news is my mouth, throat and everything else looks great. No concerns about the cancer.

The "Hmmm" is that I need to see my cardiologist ASAP. On Saturday, I had some chest pain. I attributed it to scanxiety. I get somewhat stressed come appointment time as you can imagine. Anyway, I have some nitro pills and put one under my tongue, took a nap and felt fine afterwards. Then on Sunday, I felt it again but not as bad. Yesterday I actually felt fine but today on the ride to Baltimore I had some discomfort in my chest again, took a nitro and all was fine. I relayed this information to my team and they sent me immediately to the ER. Well, the ER in Baltimore is a freakin' zoo! I waited nearly two hours there, got an EKG which was normal and finally saw the doctor. They wanted to do a full cardiac workup which would have had me there for 4-5 hours or more. Uhhhh NO! I understand I'm high risk but I wasn't about to spend 4-5 hours there, miss my appointment with my RO (which is why I went in the first place) and not know where I stand with the cancer! On top of that, I had been up from 5:30am, driven 2.5 hours in traffic, had that drive facing me to go home and had a banana and an Ensure all day. To say I was a bit on the stressed and cranky side is a HUGE understatement.

So I said, "screw this", walked out of the ER, saw my RO and came home. He was very concerned as well and made me promise to call my cardiologist and then leave him a message which I did. I feel Ok sans totally exhausted. If for any reason the pain returns before I get to the cardiologist, I'll hit the ER. This just sucks! I had a heart attack and stents a little over a year ago for cryin' out loud. I really think this is stress/scanxiety related but I have to have it checked out.

I'm off to bed... you all hold down the fort....

Positive thoughts

19-02-14, 02:37
Well, the good news is really good, and even the bad news isn't that bad because you're home and typing, right?

Hopefully you'll get into the cardiologist soon. Might still be quicker than waiting in the ER :).

19-02-14, 02:41
Great news Fishmanpa! Hoping the chest pain is just anxiety. But the no Cancer is wow! Great news.

19-02-14, 02:48
So sorry that the news that is SOOOOO great is being a little overshadowed by a VERY long day, and the now lingering questions about your heart……

I know you are so weary of having to push through, fight, stay strong, stay positive, etc, etc, etc,….and you would just like some calm. Some peace. That will come. Take each day at a time-- there is nothing to be done about the heart stuff tonight…., but what can be done is to celebrate the amazing news that NED has moved into your house. Thank, God! Literally!


19-02-14, 06:05
Yes i think all is good news.

19-02-14, 07:58
Fantastic news re the cancer, very pleased for you. I'm sure everyone will agree you're a real inspiration on this board so this is good news for us all!

Sounds like a stressful day, here's hoping the chest issue turns out to be nothing. Hope you've had some rest too.

'Positive thoughts' to you :)

19-02-14, 08:14
Hey Fish, that's fantastic about the cancer, just fantastic! :)

I'm sure the heart will be just fine too.

19-02-14, 09:08
Get your rest Fishman, then go from there. Wishing you well. You will be all right my friend XXXXXX

19-02-14, 09:08
Great news! Hopefully the heart issue is stress related, which would hardly be a surprise x

19-02-14, 09:18
Just really wow! You had such a stressful day and you manage to write about it all in such a calm manner (due to exhaustion?).

Positive thoughts FMP! You inspire me very much!

19-02-14, 09:50
sending positive vibes across the pond to you :)

19-02-14, 09:58
Woooo great news fishmanpa! :)

*Fallen Angel*
19-02-14, 10:16
Great to hear you're still kicking the evil's butt!

19-02-14, 10:32
That is great news. I wouldn't be surprised if your heart was stress related xx

19-02-14, 11:04
Fantastic news!! U kicked cancers butt!!

Hopefully like u said the cheat pain is anxiety/stress because of the upcoming appointments u had, but as you've had a heart attack they are probably just being cautious, stay strong. X

19-02-14, 11:11
Fishman that's great news! So glad to hear your scans were all clear.
The chest pains could have easily been anxiety related, especially knowing you had scary scans coming up.
Take it easy, and woohoo! X

19-02-14, 12:12
Great news Fish, and I'm sure the heart thing is with nerves about the check, understandably so. You are a real inspiration to all on here!

19-02-14, 12:19
So folks,

Good news is my mouth, throat and everything else looks great. No concerns about the cancer.

The "Hmmm" is that I need to see my cardiologist ASAP. On Saturday, I had some chest pain. I attributed it to scanxiety. I get somewhat stressed come appointment time as you can imagine. Anyway, I have some nitro pills and put one under my tongue, took a nap and felt fine afterwards. Then on Sunday, I felt it again but not as bad. Yesterday I actually felt fine but today on the ride to Baltimore I had some discomfort in my chest again, took a nitro and all was fine. I relayed this information to my team and they sent me immediately to the ER. Well, the ER in Baltimore is a freakin' zoo! I waited nearly two hours there, got an EKG which was normal and finally saw the doctor. They wanted to do a full cardiac workup which would have had me there for 4-5 hours or more. Uhhhh NO! I understand I'm high risk but I wasn't about to spend 4-5 hours there, miss my appointment with my RO (which is why I went in the first place) and not know where I stand with the cancer! On top of that, I had been up from 5:30am, driven 2.5 hours in traffic, had that drive facing me to go home and had a banana and an Ensure all day. To say I was a bit on the stressed and cranky side is a HUGE understatement.

So I said, "screw this", walked out of the ER, saw my RO and came home. He was very concerned as well and made me promise to call my cardiologist and then leave him a message which I did. I feel Ok sans totally exhausted. If for any reason the pain returns before I get to the cardiologist, I'll hit the ER. This just sucks! I had a heart attack and stents a little over a year ago for cryin' out loud. I really think this is stress/scanxiety related but I have to have it checked out.

I'm off to bed... you all hold down the fort....

Positive thoughts
That's great to hear :) the bad news isn't actually bad! the chest pains you are experiencing are false, it's just the sensations of anxiety. I used to get them all the time, but when my anxiety went...they stopped for good, because they didn't really exist.

19-02-14, 12:50
That's great to hear :) the bad news isn't actually bad! the chest pains you are experiencing are false, it's just the sensations of anxiety. I used to get them all the time, but when my anxiety went...they stopped for good, because they didn't really exist.

Thanks greggs... I'm actually not an anxiety sufferer. Yes, I get "scanxiety" come scope/poke/prod time but not prone to anxiety attacks. I have dealt with some depression, which isn't surprising based on my health issues. I came here originally as the subject sparked an interest when I saw several obvious sufferers on the cancer forums I frequent(ed), Yes, Glass P... that's the same Fishmanpa on the oral cancer forum ;)

This one really does have me worried. I had a triple bypass in '07 at 47 and my 2nd heart attack and stents (3) on Oct.2012, a month before my cancer diagnosis. The pains I felt were spot on angina pains as a nitro tab relieved them. I feel "Ok" this morning and will call my cardiologist's office first thing. I know what they're gonna say... "Get to the ER now!" ~lol~ That sucks as it will mean the rest of the day getting a full cardiac workup. But...better safe than sorry. I don't want to have fought my butt off to kick cancer's ass only to go out with a heart attack. I'll keep you guys in the loop.

Positive thoughts

19-02-14, 12:55
Fishmanpa, was looking yesterday for a response from you re your checkup and hoped (and prayed) that all would be okay because if anybody needs a break, it's you...

So very pleased that your cancer results were great but sorry to hear that you didn't get to skip out of the hospital all fully relieved. Hope your heart turns out to be anxiety related and get it checked out soon.

Hugs to you.


19-02-14, 12:56
Great news about being cancer free!

19-02-14, 12:58
Really pleased to hear all clear re cancer :) Hopefully you can get the heart problems checked out on a day that is not so stressful as yesterday :hugs:

19-02-14, 13:08
If something is a little wonky with your heart-- then just think of these pains as the warning light in your car going off…..you will heed what they are telling you, get in to the mechanic, get 'er all fixed up, and off you go again.

Hang in there--- Eeyore may be moseying down the road to your backyard since he's heard you are dealing with "one more thing" at the moment. Here very shortly you will be chasing out all those unwanted guests in your backyard.

19-02-14, 13:18
YAY! I'm so glad to hear you are still cancer free, congratulations! :yesyes:

I'm sorry to hear that you are having chest pains, but good for you for getting it checked out and being so positive about it. I will keep you in my prayers! Keep us posted. :hugs:

19-02-14, 13:21
If something is a little wonky with your heart-- then just think of these pains as the warning light in your car going off…..you will heed what they are telling you, get in to the mechanic, get 'er all fixed up, and off you go again.

Hang in there--- Eeyore may be moseying down the road to your backyard since he's heard you are dealing with "one more thing" at the moment. Here very shortly you will be chasing out all those unwanted guests in your backyard.

Hey Too Much

The Dragon definitely left.... he was packing camp while I was watching the scope... All pretty and pink on the inside. Everything is totally healed and symmetrical. It accounts for why my swallowing has improved. I'm always going to have some pain back there but it's manageable. The neck/shoulder pain is still an issue (from the surgery) and we're going to look into some possible solutions next time I visit in May. Interestingly enough, botox is a treatment for chronic nerve pain damage. We'll see...

Positive thoughts

19-02-14, 13:31
Man, I know the "stupid heart stuff" is probably monopolizing your thoughts, but I just hear so many good things shining through in your post! I am amazed by how awesome you are doing from the neck up! That is just so exciting and gives so much hope to those of us that have loved ones (in addition to you!) in the fight against the beast. Also, super exciting to hear that there are further things that can be done for your pain! Yes, I know about botox being an option….I have chronic pain in my neck/shoulders as well (born with some bone structure abnormalities that only show up on an X-ray)- and I have had a nerve block injection or botox recommended…….I'm considering asking if I can buy in bulk and get a few of my "character lines" on my forehead touched up at the same time. :winks:

Poor, little dragon…..evicted and homeless. :winks:

19-02-14, 15:57
Appointment tomorrow at 3pm at the cardiologist. In the mean time, if I get any major pain or discomfort, I'm off to the ER. Keeping my fingers crossed. I'm just sore now... if you've ever had any surgery or a broken bone, that's kinda of the soreness I feel... an ache... Could be from the nasty cold rainy weather or a remnant form being so sressed out the last few days. It's certainly not heart attack pain... I know that pain well.

My RO also suggested Menthol 16% for my neck. Typically, something like IcyHot is less than 2% strength. At 16% he said it would burn a bit but the benefits far outweigh the discomfort for a few minutes. Might give it a try.

And yes TooMuch, I could see the Dragon tracks in the snow leading out of the backyard. Ironically Dragon tracks look amazingly like rabbit tracks ;)

Positive thoughts

19-02-14, 17:20
I could see the Dragon tracks in the snow leading out of the backyard. Ironically Dragon tracks look amazingly like rabbit tracks ;)

Oh, heck, then my backyard's full of dragons!

19-02-14, 17:54
Glad the news regarding the cancer is positive. Really pleased for you. :)

19-02-14, 18:12
Very pleased to hear your cancer free ,hopfully the heart pain is just down to stress x

19-02-14, 18:17
Congratulations on your good news, richly deserved and hoping it continues for you

20-02-14, 01:13
Fishmanpa, what great news. I think I saw the dragon pass by Kentucky and it was headed south, very far south. And yes, they looked much like rabbit tracks. Those darn wabbits. As for the heart pain, I am certainly glad that you're seeing your cardiologist and I'm keeping my fingers and toes crossed for a stress related diagnosis. Know that you will weather the storm, with much support, no matter the answer.

20-02-14, 16:41
That's really great news RE the cancer :)

20-02-14, 20:16
Great news about the cancer Fishmanpa. You are an inspiration to all us HA peeps x

21-02-14, 01:22
Checking in about the cardio appt…..getting a little antsy since I haven't seen ya here tonight…….

21-02-14, 01:25
Same here, Fishmanpa. Let us know how you're doing. Been thinking positive thoughts for you today.

21-02-14, 02:09
Thanks everyone...

We ended up heading to the ER late Wednesday evening as I was really feeling nasty. Better safe than sorry. As expected, I was admitted based on my symptoms and history for further testing and to keep a close eye on me. Had I waited until today, I just would have been there tonight instead of last night. EKG, bloods and x-ray good. Had a nuclear stress test and all was well there. They really didn't have an answer as to what it was other than most likely "scanxiety" and possibly acid reflux. Many of you know that well. I've been put on Omeprazole which I was on during treatment. They equate it to a bazooka as opposed to Zantac being a pellet gun.

I'm finally home and other than a raging headache from the nitro and a really sore chest, I'm fine. At least now I don't have to worry about it being unstable angina which they thought it was.

Positive thoughts

21-02-14, 02:17
Oh, so glad to hear it!!!! I was getting pretty anxious when you still weren't on here tonight.

Can you take tomorrow off and just stay home and rest?

21-02-14, 02:37
Oh, so glad to hear it!!!! I was getting pretty anxious when you still weren't on here tonight.

Can you take tomorrow off and just stay home and rest?

I "need" to go to work for my peace of mind if that makes sense. I took my meds and I'll be asleep shortly and get a good nights rest. Tomorrow evening I will be doing my first performance since cancer. Ironically, it's for a benefit for a friend suffering from cancer. I'll do a solo performance and then a set with my duo partner.

Positive thoughts

21-02-14, 02:50
I do understand "needing" to go to work-- "normalcy" does wonders for our well-being.

Oh, that rocks about your gig tomorrow!

I don't think I ever mentioned it, but what seems like another lifetime ago- I was actually in a few bands myself. More than anything I just miss jamming with some good musicians.

Got anything on YouTube where I could see you perform?

Sleep tight, Friend.

21-02-14, 12:11
Fishmanpa, SO happy to hear that your heart was doing just fine. No more scans for a few months now as well. I totally understand the normalcy of wanting/needing to get back to work and your regular routine.
Hope you have an amazing session tonight while playing for your friend's benefit.

21-02-14, 12:20
Hi five :yesyes: fishmanpa.

21-02-14, 16:34
Great to know that Fishmanpa. Now get out there and live your life to the fullest.

21-02-14, 17:57
So pleased to hear you're well fishmanpa :) x

Don't think I will google unstable angina ;) but I'm guessing its pretty rare in mid thirties.

Good luck with the performance.

21-02-14, 18:02

21-02-14, 23:35
Got anything on YouTube where I could see you perform?

Ahhh a fellow musician :) There are a few up there and I plan on getting a camera and putting a bunch more up in the near future.

Here's one for ya... a couple of Cat Stevens songs. I've been told I sound a bit like him...


Positive thoughts

21-02-14, 23:57
Cool video! :shades:

Great job FMP. Happy to hear you are well and always nice to follow you here.

22-02-14, 00:12
I had 2 hospital admissions following my heart attack and both times it was found to be indigestion and given omeprazole.

I never even wanted to go to hospital but I went to the doc with chest pain and she called an ambulance!

The last time I went to doc he said I had displaced/dislodged a rib and that caused the chest pain but they gave me the MIBI scan to check for angina

Glad all is ok with you now xx

22-02-14, 00:14
Absolutely loved it. The passion on your face says it all.

22-02-14, 04:53
Hey FMP,
LOVED the video. I was watching it in the living room while my husband was in the kitchen and he hollered in "Is that Cat Stevens?" :)

Well, maybe someday our paths will cross and we can jam for a night. I miss that terribly.
What's your normal set look like?

How'd tonight go?
Chest feeling better yet?

22-02-14, 05:32
Thanks :)

Tonight was a blast! It was very emotional as well. It was a year ago that my friends organized a benefit for me and it was my last public performance so tonight was very special. I did just fine and the reception and appreciation shown was humbling to say the least. The set with my singing partner was awesome. It's rare that you find another musician/singer that just "fits" so well. Con and I, 'Sweet T', are just so in tune with each other. The harmonies and dynamics spot on. It's one of those "you just know" what's coming and when it happens it brings a smile to your face.

Here's a video of Con and I 'Sweet T'... she has such a great voice. This is from the benefit Feb. 24th 2013, a couple of weeks after my neck dissection and a few weeks before treatment. This was my last public performance until tonight.

Forget About It (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jOxBa05PDrY) - Alison Krauss

The House That Built Me (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mqVy9s05eGI) - Miranda Lambert

My friend is hanging in there. He's on palliative care as there won't be a cure but the treatment is working and controlling the tumors. He looks like shit but overall he's doing Ok. It was great to see so many fellow friends/musicians and the talent was off the hook!
My chest is still sore but getting better. I see my cardiologist for a follow up in two weeks. I'm going to ask her for some xanax or something so I don't stress out too much come scan time. "Scanxiety" is a bitch and really is no different than what most here suffer from. There's just a direct cause and that's the fear of recurrence. Knowing this and being able to rationalize it still doesn't stop the physcal reaction to it. The difference is I don't spiral out of control. I kept saying all along while I was in the hospital that it was "scanxiety" but they wanted to be sure because of my history. I'm glad they did because I'll tell ya, I was a hurtin' pup when I got to the ER. It hurt like hell.

What I typically do in a set is do what I call "micro sets". I pick an artist or theme and do 3-5 songs in a row of that artist or theme. So I'll do a mini Cat Stevens set or a mini Jethro Tull set... Songs from Scrubs, Lyle Lovett etc. The gig I play at the resorts in the Shenandoah Park is a 90 minute show. I break it up and tell stories and such for transitions.

TooMuch, if you're ever traveling through the beautiful Shenandoah Valley, I'd love to play a few tunes with ya :)

Positive thoughts

22-02-14, 17:10
Fabulous videos FMP. You have a fantastic talent. ISo glad everything went well at your scan and in the ER.

22-02-14, 17:33
Great vids.thanks for sharing.

06-03-14, 18:55
UPDATE: Saw my cardiologist today as a follow up to my little heart scare. She did another EKG and the results were normal. All tests that were done were normal. She prescribed a different acid reducer as Omeprazole that was prescribed by a different Dr. at the hospital has a conflict with the Plavix I take (thanks Target Pharmacy!).

AND... this will sound familiar to some. I had general blood work done (CBC etc.) and they're checking for H Pylori! She doesn't think it's the case but she wants to be sure. I like that she's on the ball and so thorough.

I discussed the "scanxiety" and she isn't surprised in the least considering what I went through. She's sending a report over to my GP who I see next week and will advise something like Xanex or Valium to keep on hand come check up time.

So all is as good as it can be despite all the BS I deal with physically ;)

Positive thoughts

06-03-14, 18:57
This is great news Fish x

06-03-14, 21:47
That's great news x so pleased for you that all is looking good x

You are such a great person, always on hand to help everyone when you have so much going on yourself.

Thank you xx

07-03-14, 02:37
Great news! Your posts always cheer me up thank you. :D

07-03-14, 06:40
Really goodnews FMP :)

07-03-14, 07:20
Great news x :)

07-03-14, 19:19
Good news :hugs::hugs::hugs:

07-03-14, 19:30
Good news! :) x