View Full Version : fluoxetine

19-02-14, 10:29
Hi my name is Yesor. I started fluoxetine 20mg 1 daily 2 weeks ago and yesterday tried to go back to work but came home within an hour as couldn't stop crying. Please tell me these symptoms of jittering and anxiousness will go as I feel I am losing the battle.

21-02-14, 18:08
Hi. I've just been prescribed these for my anxiety and so I hear that you may feel worst before you get better, but I think the second week onwards is the worst, but many on this forum as I have read so far have experienced some negative feelings and further anxiousness but have stuck with it and feel much better now. I guess you will be feeling a whole mix of emotions and you have just got to accept that how your feeling is part of the process of getting better and you are doing a positive thing. Just hang in there and look to the positive, everyone is here to help if your feeling down!

21-02-14, 19:18
hi, I've been on fluoxetine for two weeks and the only side effects I've experienced so far are changed taste and sleepiness. I was feeling terribly low for a couple of days but it was about day 5/6 so I don't really now whether meds had anything to do with that.
take care x

21-02-14, 20:21
Yesor, it is normal to feel like you are and it does affect some of us the way you are describing, it takes about 6 weeks to start to feel better, you will have some better days and some really horrible ones when you think you are never going to feel better, the medication does make you feel worse before you feel better.

I was lucky that I could go into work when I was up to it but there were a lot of days that I couldn't. Just take it a step at a time and persevere. I hit rock bottom a lot of times but it was worth it. I found this forum at my lowest ebb about 4 weeks and it was reading the success stories that kept me going and the support from others that were going through the same.