View Full Version : Creating scenarios in your head

19-02-14, 11:04
Is this just me?

I'm quite embarrassed writing this as I feel like it may go ignored.

I have a terrible habit of creating scenarios in my head of all the bad things I fear. I've envisioned myself sat in the doctors receiving terrible news and experiencing emotions I think I'd feel. I drift off into my own world sometimes dreaming up terrible scenarios putting myself through unnecessary heartache.

I think this comes down to catastrophe thinking, forever thinking the worst possibly outcome

19-02-14, 11:16
you're not alone I do this all the time and I think that most people struggling with anxiety do. All I know is that it isn't helpful, I'm always forward thinking or making things up in my head that are probably never going to happen. I try focus on the moment when I feel this way. Clear my mind of eveything. I know this might sound daft but I think about my feet in my shoes, the heat and texture of the material every little detail. It calms and focuses my mind and stops the thought cycle I'm having about things going terribly wrong

19-02-14, 11:28
What Lyrica described is Mindfulness. A fantastic tool where you bring your mind and thoughts back into the moment.

Have a look at Mindfulness meditation. It can be really helpful. Worries like yours - which are common, i've had them too - are all about not having the ability to bring yourself into the present moment.. the mind constantly wandering off and creating scenarios by itself.

You can train your brain out of this :-)

19-02-14, 11:31
why,why,why. your not alone i do this all the time. xxx

19-02-14, 11:40
No your not alone I do it all the time as if my mind is doing it automatically I often feel that its out of control then other times I feel I can control it a bit.

19-02-14, 11:54
Ahhhh thankyou

I do try with mindfulness but as daft as it sounds .... I forget and get carried off into my imagination.

Mindfulness techniques is something I'm going to look more into xxx

19-02-14, 12:08
Yes me too....but sometimes I imagine nice things too....like winning the lottery:)
Mindfulness is a great technique...............

19-02-14, 12:17
Hey, its a relief that others do the same - I catastrophise frequently during periods of extreme stress - and its affecting my performance at work - with a spiral of catastrophe! I am trying to seek self help and am interested in these quotes on mindfulness. MAy do some research!

19-02-14, 12:23
Ahhhh thankyou

I do try with mindfulness but as daft as it sounds .... I forget and get carried off into my imagination.

Mindfulness techniques is something I'm going to look more into xxx

I am reading about meditation at the MO & when your mind does wonder off they suggest you just try to relax about it & pull your thoughts back to mindfulness again. Don't get angry that your mind wonders just refocus & over time it's supposed to re train your mind to focus more on the now.

Practice, practice, practice I guess is the key here.

Not easy though is it :)

19-02-14, 13:36
Yes, with Mindfulness, my mind wanders off too.. 'what am i having for tea tonight' 'i need to call so and so' etc etc..

Just little things but it happens to us all. If you are practicing mindfulness and your mind wanders off, as is normal, just gently guide it back into the moment, and kindly bring your focus back to your body. Try to keep your mind in the moment but don't punish yourself.

It's just like training a puppy. If it wanders off, just gently bring it back. If it wanders off 100 times, just bring it back, 100 times, but do not think you are failing or 'not doing it right'.. it is only natural for the mind to wander, but you can control it.

19-02-14, 17:01
Well I've had a shockingly terrible afternoon. These last two days I've spent wayyyy too much time creating scenarios in my head, I can envision myself sat in the doctors surgery receiving devastating news, them I take myself off home and break it to the family.

Tonight I'm going out, I've envisioned the car rolling over, I've envisioned my little one crying over me when he receives the tragic news. I'm seriously sick in the head. I was just sat here and the roof of my mouth felt sensitive so I felt it with my tongue and it feels sensitive I was just about to pop over to google but came here instead.

My friend said we could go to this fried chicken place later on, my immediate thought... How I'll be spending tomorrow throwing my guts up (to be fair that has happened to me before from a different place)

One day I think I'm getting better but it's like one step forward two steps back lately

I really appreciate the replies today guys xx

19-02-14, 17:44
One thing that has helped me big time & that is STOP using DR GOOGLE.

Just stop no matter what is going on in your head at the time.

I really hope your day gets better

19-02-14, 20:24
I do it ALL the time. Honestly its awful and as a person with a pretty good imagination... well you can imagine... x

20-02-14, 03:29
WhyWhyWhy, this is me as well. In the end I know it's my anxiety trying to get the best of me. I've learned to change each scenario by ending it with - "ya right, like that would happen". Just stay occupied when you get those moments, do math problems in your head when you get in those modes. Good luck and hang in there!

20-02-14, 16:33
I've had a much much better day, not great but better than yesterday. I'm really focusing on being mindful, trying different relaxation clips on youtube too. x

21-02-14, 08:08
I've had a much much better day, not great but better than yesterday. I'm really focusing on being mindful, trying different relaxation clips on youtube too. x

Glad to hear your day is better we have just got to remind ourselves that they do get better :)

21-02-14, 09:54
wow I do it all the time, but what I find is I bring it into the real world. This kind of worries me

It does my head in, I can feel the anger in my head and I want it to stop... I find it difficult to sleep on a night even with medication, which i also self medicate with alcohol now (Vodka and Coke), and exercise.

All I want is to be able to sleep and wake up normally any ideas please help.