View Full Version : More unusual side effects of Citalopram

19-02-14, 11:41
Hi, well i have read the most common ones, and i have been on Citalopram for about a month and a half now, with some of the more typical side effects of anxiety, depression, etc being worse, but i have also found my memory being impaired, and concentration being hard. I made three drug errors in two days at work, (i am a nurse), and i just wondered if people had trouble with their memory too, or finding it difficult to focus, or getting distracted?

20-02-14, 01:10
Yes to all of those when I was on it. It did get better after a couple of months, but for the first 8 weeks my brain was a bit fogged to say the least. Tiredness didn't help either. Hopefully you will find the worst is over now and it will improve.

21-02-14, 18:23
Had the same problem with an SNRI, duloxetine. I was never on SSRIs long enough to jusge the effect on memory, and when your anxiety is bad it's difficult to assess whether the memory problems are caused by anxiety, the drug, or both.

21-02-14, 19:02
I'm also on Citalopram and had the same problems still get tired but memory has improved

21-02-14, 20:54
My memory has it's lapses too, I'm really good with names and for the life of me sometimes as hard as I try, it just doesn't come to me.....Other side affects i've had in the early weeks have been chocolate...coffee....and nicotine (not cigarettes just nicotine)