View Full Version : Frustrated and losing hope

19-02-14, 14:54
It just seems like this heart anxiety is never going to stop.

I don't know what it's going to take to stop worrying that my heart is going to stop. It's hard for me to be positive about my progress when I deal with this all day every day.

I keep thinking about an echocardiogram maybe that will ease my fears as the ekg and holter monitor haven't. Another thing that keeps playing with my head is that my heart is slightly enlarged I just worry so much about that. I feel like my hope is fading and I don't know how to break out of this

19-02-14, 15:10
On two separate occasions I rang an ambulance for myself because of anxiety related to my heart, the problem with heart related anxiety is, say, something like pulpatations which are common, and non-lethal occurs, and you feel the flutter, that leads to immediate panic/aniexty, and loads of heart problems have basically the exact same symptoms as the effect of anxiety has on your heart, anxiety itself causes palpitations, increase in heart rate etc.. its a vicious circle! I do hope though that you get over it dude.

19-02-14, 15:14
I've just had a echo which came back ok. Altough to be fair i think only a angiogram would put my mind at ease

19-02-14, 15:19
Yeah, well if the doctor comes back and everything is fine then like me, you'd probably be best asking him about CBT(Cognitive Behavioral Therapy), once i get my mole looked at I know ill definitely be getting therapy for my health anxiety, its went on for far too long now!

19-02-14, 15:29
Never lose hope trust me, your heart is fine, it's completely healthy, you have health anxiety because no threat exists in your environment, so your imagination and anxiety response work together to look for threat, it starts to look inside and finds your anxiety symptoms, racing heart in your case. "what if this is a threat" "what if my heart stops"
Your subconscious mind thinks that your heart is a threat, even though you know it isn't but your subconscious doesn't know what's real. So the more you fear your racing heart the more anxiety you will create

19-02-14, 15:36
I can't remember from your previous posts or not, but what tests have you had done already? If you have, and they've come back fine then there is no reason for you to be worried. I know it's hard, trust me, I know! :hugs:

19-02-14, 18:09

I have had an ekg and a 24 hour holter monitor as well as a full blood work up
That all came back fine except they saw an enlargement in my heart on the ekg

19-02-14, 18:19

I have had an ekg and a 24 hour holter monitor as well as a full blood work up
That all came back fine except they saw an enlargement in my heart on the ekg

I don't believe they can tell that from an EKG. An Echo yes...EKG no...

Regardless, they're not concerned. I wish I was as fortunate.

Positive thoughts