View Full Version : Hi guys back again after nearly 3 months Still retching and now partially agoraphobic

19-02-14, 15:41
Been retching for 31 months now and it shows no sign of abating. Went for my Glucose Tolerance Test in December 2013 and I gave an initial fingerprick sample of 6.8mmo/l which is still almost a diabetic level. However I got the all clear on Dec 24th.
However I am still retching and gagging everyday. I have given up soft drinks and changed my alcoholic beverage to a much lower, weaker alcohol content. I have cut down on my drinking as well but I am still struggling in this particular area.
I am going to see a Gastroenterologist in April but I don't know if I can wait this long as I am now becoming housebound due to a concern of becoming overwhelmed with this disgusting affliction when I am far from home with no-one around me to help me.

19-02-14, 16:51
Hi, I do dry heaving/coughing. Its usually a pre-curser to the panic attacks for me. The first time it ever started happening it went on for two years along with stomach problems. I ended up having cameras both ends and they said I was inflamed due to excess acid and put me on tablets...not long after that I had a breakdown. The stress id been suffering had caused all the stomach problems. Once I got better (3 months of being unable to leave the house due to panic attacks/major depressive episode) the stomach problems went no more wretching!
It came back recently after a period of prolonged stress..along with panic attacks and depression...im confident though that once I stabalise my mood and get the panic under control the wretching will stop again!
Its horrible to go through...maybe you will feel better once your panic attacks are under control? I hope so :-)

19-02-14, 17:47
Hi GemLou78, thank you for your reply. Tell me more please. Why did you have cameras both ends and what caused your stomach acid? Did you see a GP who then referred you to a Gastro specialist or did you go to hospital and demand to be seen in A&E???

I am not having panic attacks as such, I just keep dry retching with no pain or vomit all day everyday, I recently lost my job and my Nan died within 6 days, my Dad bit my Mum and we had to move house and all that stress combined with my unknown "retching" cause has left me feeling terrible.

---------- Post added at 17:47 ---------- Previous post was at 17:45 ----------

Hi, I do dry heaving/coughing. Its usually a pre-curser to the panic attacks for me. The first time it ever started happening it went on for two years along with stomach problems. I ended up having cameras both ends and they said I was inflamed due to excess acid and put me on tablets...not long after that I had a breakdown. The stress id been suffering had caused all the stomach problems. Once I got better (3 months of being unable to leave the house due to panic attacks/major depressive episode) the stomach problems went no more wretching!
It came back recently after a period of prolonged stress..along with panic attacks and depression...im confident though that once I stabalise my mood and get the panic under control the wretching will stop again!
Its horrible to go through...maybe you will feel better once your panic attacks are under control? I hope so :-)

P.S. Why did you have a breakdown not long after being diagnosed and put on tablets?

19-02-14, 18:09
The breakdown happened as a result of 2yrs extreme stress at work. During those two years I had many stress related illnesses its just at the time I was looking at them as separate illnesses instead of stress related.
I had IBS, really bad cluster headaches, wretching/coughing and runs every morning before work which towards the end also started happening in work. That's when they sent me for cameras its just coincidence that my breakdown happened not long after being put on tablets for my stomach...its because id let the stress build up to such a high level without changing my situation or getting help sooner.
I initally went to see my GP about the runs and wretching..they could see id been diagnosed IBS the year before but the medication for that wasn't working so they refered me for cameras...that showed up inflammation in my stomach caused by too much acid (something that can occur from too much stress).
When we are extremely stressed out we produce way too much adrenaline and it causes our bodies to react in these strange ways.
You have been through a very stressful period its no wonder your body is reacting. Are you on any medication for anxiety? Do you feel you would benefit from some sort of counselling? You may need some tablets to stop the wretching if you have excess acid like I did...thats a question for your doctor. :-)

19-02-14, 18:33
The breakdown happened as a result of 2yrs extreme stress at work. During those two years I had many stress related illnesses its just at the time I was looking at them as separate illnesses instead of stress related.
I had IBS, really bad cluster headaches, wretching/coughing and runs every morning before work which towards the end also started happening in work. That's when they sent me for cameras its just coincidence that my breakdown happened not long after being put on tablets for my stomach...its because id let the stress build up to such a high level without changing my situation or getting help sooner.
I initally went to see my GP about the runs and wretching..they could see id been diagnosed IBS the year before but the medication for that wasn't working so they refered me for cameras...that showed up inflammation in my stomach caused by too much acid (something that can occur from too much stress).
When we are extremely stressed out we produce way too much adrenaline and it causes our bodies to react in these strange ways.
You have been through a very stressful period its no wonder your body is reacting. Are you on any medication for anxiety? Do you feel you would benefit from some sort of counselling? You may need some tablets to stop the wretching if you have excess acid like I did...thats a question for your doctor. :-)

I have the runs a lot as well but I dont know if this is down to my horrendous diet or if it related to my anxiety/depression and retching. I am on no medication as I believe they can cause terrible side effects. I felt so bad today I was tempted to call 999 as I couldnt stop retching for about 10 seconds, it was one spasm/urge after another but yet again I had no pain or any urge to vomit.
Do you mind if I asked when and what was your endoscopy like? Were you sedated? Was it recently? Was it uncomfortable?
I need something to stop the retching, I just dont know if it is mental or a physical illness???

19-02-14, 18:48
they did them both at the same time and I had sedation but was still aware of everything. I found the throat one worse but I got through it. It was 2009 when I had the cameras.
I'm trying to remember the tablets they gave me that helped...if I remember I will post back to you so you can ask your doc if they will help you.
The wretching was a physical side effect of extreme stress for me, and from what you have said id say it could well be the same for you...though obviously im not a doctor so you really should go and discuss all this with your GP. :-)

19-02-14, 18:56
they did them both at the same time and I had sedation but was still aware of everything. I found the throat one worse but I got through it. It was 2009 when I had the cameras.
I'm trying to remember the tablets they gave me that helped...if I remember I will post back to you so you can ask your doc if they will help you.
The wretching was a physical side effect of extreme stress for me, and from what you have said id say it could well be the same for you...though obviously im not a doctor so you really should go and discuss all this with your GP. :-)

I have been to my GP twice, first time he sent me for 8 blood tests; IgA, Anti-TTG (Coeliac), Renal Function, Thyroid Function, Bone Profile, Lipids Fasting, Glucose Fasting and a Full Blood Count. All were clear except for Glucose Fasting and I understand that the liver regulates blood sugar levels so I am naturally anxious as to whether my liver is playing up in some way?

Was the endoscopy long? Was it doable or was it unbearable as I have a feeling I am going to have to have this procedure done in order to find out why my body is carrying out these urges.

Also I am a very agitated, highly strung, nervous individual.

19-02-14, 19:05
It was doable, I built it up in my head to be far worse than it was. It probably took around 5mins. The waiting is the worst part. They will offer you sedation before it so that will calm you down a bit.

19-02-14, 19:09
It was doable, I built it up in my head to be far worse than it was. It probably took around 5mins. The waiting is the worst part. They will offer you sedation before it so that will calm you down a bit.

Does the sedation help? How much does it block out the gag reflex and mental fear? I think my local hospital does Capsule Endoscopy so fingers crossed I may get away with swallowing a pill with a camera :)

19-02-14, 19:13
Omeprazole that was the name of the tablets! Id be lying if I said it stopped me being scared..and yes I gagged. Its not pleasant but ots over quick enough. I just wanted to know what was wrong with me so concentrated on the fact id soon know. :-)

19-02-14, 19:17
Omeprazole that was the name of the tablets! Id be lying if I said it stopped me being scared..and yes I gagged. Its not pleasant but ots over quick enough. I just wanted to know what was wrong with me so concentrated on the fact id soon know. :-)

Well done you :) What on earth did you you do to distract your mind whilst this was happening? Were the staff understanding and calming? How the hell will I have it done when I am gagging as it is let alone have a tube put down my throat? How long did it take your results to come through?

19-02-14, 20:06
Does anyone have to go to A&E frequently because of anxiety?

19-02-14, 20:17
I had a really lovely nurse calmly talking to me and telling me what to do, I had a doctor my *blushes* bottom end doing that camera and a doctor my head end doing the throat...like I said throat was worst but it distacted me from them putting one in my bum lol. Swallowing the camera wasn't nice and yeah the gagging was horrible but they were as quick as was possible. They told me what they could see there and then and wrote the prescription out for me I was so relieved because id convinced myself I had something really serious!

Hi Sara, no I haven't ever gone to a&e with anxiety but I have had full on hyperventilating panic attacks in the doctors waiting room and in the doctors office. :-)

19-02-14, 20:26
Is it possible to die from retching? I cant get any relief from this and I have to wait until April to see my Gastroenterologist, say I die by then?

19-02-14, 20:31
you won't die, while you are waiting for your appointment try Gaviscon it should help ease it a little bit. Drink plenty of milk too. If that doesn't help go back to your GP and ask about the medicine I mentioned...he may prescribed it you while you are waiting to be seen :-)

19-02-14, 20:38
you won't die, while you are waiting for your appointment try Gaviscon it should help ease it a little bit. Drink plenty of milk too. If that doesn't help go back to your GP and ask about the medicine I mentioned...he may prescribed it you while you are waiting to be seen :-)

Thank you for the reassurence. I am thinking of going to A&E and asking for voluntary sectioning so that I can be assessed and fed and looked after properly for the minimum 28 day period because as it is with this retching I cant look after myself or live any kind of life.

19-02-14, 20:43
I'm sorry its making you feel that way :-( only you can be the judge of what you need. If you feel you have no support network and you aren't able to look after yourself then do what you must....do you have any close friends or family members?

19-02-14, 21:10
I'm sorry its making you feel that way :-( only you can be the judge of what you need. If you feel you have no support network and you aren't able to look after yourself then do what you must....do you have any close friends or family members?

Yes I have a mum and a sister they reassure me but I feel I need to be locked up until I feel better. I am simply losing the plot, I cannot cope anymore. If the retching would just go then I would be 95% better.

19-02-14, 21:39
Make an appointment to see your doctor tomorrow insist you see him/her tomorrow...tell them what you just told me...im sure they must be able to prescribe something to stop the wretching ...then you can reassess how you feel :-) maybe see if you can stay with your sister or your mum while you feel this way too

19-02-14, 22:00
Make an appointment to see your doctor tomorrow insist you see him/her tomorrow...tell them what you just told me...im sure they must be able to prescribe something to stop the wretching ...then you can reassess how you feel :-) maybe see if you can stay with your sister or your mum while you feel this way too

Hi Gem I live with my sister and Mum! I would go to the doctor tomorrow but I cant face it I dont think. I dont want to retch to death on the way to see him. My sister has some diazepam that her boyfriend used to take, maybe I should take this but if it doesnt stop the retching then whats the point?

19-02-14, 22:31
Maybe get your mum or sis to take you to the doctors so you feel a bit more secure? I think if you can just get to the docs and hopefully get a prescription to stop the wretching you will feel so much better and have a clearer idea of what to do next with regard to your anxiety. :-)

20-02-14, 12:20
I had a bad panic attack yesterday to a point were I ended up. At a&e first time in forty yes of suffering like you I ave been struggling to eat constantly feel sick eve if I try to eat anything at moment still feeling sick even thinking of food makes me feel sick never had this till this past yr even though I ave stuffed panic and agoraphobia for forty yrs which is now adding to my already over anxiuose mind and body but I do no I ave had a lot of family pribs add in such a lot stress on me this past yr so is this related the feeling sick another bad anxiety prob cuts its new to me take care x

20-02-14, 14:02
I had a bad panic attack yesterday to a point were I ended up. At a&e first time in forty yes of suffering like you I ave been struggling to eat constantly feel sick eve if I try to eat anything at moment still feeling sick even thinking of food makes me feel sick never had this till this past yr even though I ave stuffed panic and agoraphobia for forty yrs which is now adding to my already over anxiuose mind and body but I do no I ave had a lot of family pribs add in such a lot stress on me this past yr so is this related the feeling sick another bad anxiety prob cuts its new to me take care x

What happened in A&E? Did they look after you.

20-02-14, 14:25
Yes they did they was so understanding which was nice but been on panic forum and symptoms I been looking for reassurance but ant really had much don't like this feeling sick and not able to eat thing either take care x