View Full Version : hot flushes.....

19-02-14, 15:49
I've been having hot flushes all day, it makes me go slightly light headed and sick.

I google....

Wish I hadnt, why can't I believe that sometimes it does happen!!!

A few responses said the dreaded C word!!!

Could it be the C word????

It doesn't make me sweat I just get really hot and light headed and slightly sick, now I'm worried its cancer!!! I don't know what type of cancer, because I refused to click on the links, but now I really want ti look.... someone stop me PLEASE

19-02-14, 15:54
Loads of vitamin deficiencies cause those symptoms, and something that I could nearly promise you is the cause of what your experiencing is de-hydration, I was in the army for 6 years, and we were told loads about de-hydration and the effect it has on your body, and surprisingly its the cause of alot of things.

19-02-14, 16:05
That's definitely anxiety!

Yesterday, while I was getting scoped, I could see the camera going down my throat on the monitor. It's kind of surreal as I'm numbed up. Anyway, I got that same kind of feeling... a warm/hot flush starting in my stomach and rising up through my body, making me kind of woozy. Doc said it's pretty normal, especially under the very stressful circumstances. It happened again on the way home... I guess all the adrenalin from the scanxiety had something to do with it.

Positive thoughts

19-02-14, 16:10
Thanks for the replies guys, much appreciated :)

It's gone now but I was painting the bathroom at the time so the paint fumes, hot room and bending down probably didn't help haha...

Fishmanpa.... if you don't mind me asked what does scoped mean???


19-02-14, 16:12
I think scoped is his slang term for having a camera put down his neck :o

19-02-14, 16:51
Fishmanpa.... if you don't mind me asked what does scoped mean??? X

Yeah, James is right... a long thin tube camera up my nose and down my throat... fun eh? ;) I had oral cancer and they check me every three months for the first two years after treatment. I'm 10 months out.

So that funky hot flush feeling?... hot rush... hands get clammy, a little sweat on the brow... woozy... yep... anxiety. I don't suffer with anxiety but when it's time to get checked every three months I get a bit stressed to say the least. I found controlled breathing worked pretty well.

Positive thoughts

19-02-14, 17:00
Crikey glad your in the all clear :)

Doesn't sound to pleasant :/