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23-07-04, 15:57
Does any1 know the best drug for claustrophobia, I have been on zispin for my panic attacks and it took everything away but I had terrible side effects. I have been in CBT for over a year and I truly dont think I can be better without the drugs. I am developing slight agoraphobia, everything is escalating. Please help. x

23-07-04, 16:06
Antidepressant drugs will help give you a break by relieving symptoms somewhat as you found with your Zispin but you need to put in the work to get over claustrophobia. There is not a specific long term drug to take these fears away.

There are many drugs available and due to your previous sensitivity to drugs your doctor will have to choose one with you

You need to take small steps to overcome the fear. Slowly and steadily is best .


Anxiety is a thin stream of fear trickling through the mind.
If encouraged, it cuts a channel into which all other thoughts are drained.
Robert Albert Bloch

23-07-04, 20:59
We all have different reactions to different medicines.

I tried Zispin and it just seemed to sedate me on a night when i took it but through the day i still was the same. I still remember the first tablet i took of that, within minutes i became a zomby and didnt like the feeling of not been in control.

There are so many different tablets you can try and each one suits us all differently.

I would never had dreamt of getting on a plane or in a lift until i started the tablets i am on now, so it shows that they do help if they are required.

I dont suppose there is a best drug for claustrophobia it will be what suits you. Talk to your doctor and see what they advice.

While you feel everything is escalating take time to get the help you need and however hard it feels dont completely give into it, try to go out only if just for a short walk.

Sal xxx

28-07-04, 16:06

my mum has suffered with claustraphobia since i was young. she has tried many diferent things (hypno, cbt, accupuncture) with no success.
she recently made a programme with granada - the test (was on mon 19th july). they said their proffessor could cure her in 1 day!!
although she wasnt cured she did make progress on made it on a ferry.

anyway she has looked into medication too and there is a drug which is used for TB. it is said too cure claustraphobia.

i think studies are still being carried out at the minute so not much evidence to say if it does or doesnt work!

dawn x