View Full Version : yeast avoidence study for 3 months

23-11-06, 11:44
hi everyone, i know we have mentioned the candida diet on this site before, thinking maybe we all have a build up of yeast in our bodys causing all our problems/symptoms.
i went 3 weeks once trying to follow the diet without knowing exactly what i was doing.
I have recently recieved my results form my blood test which tell me I have an intollerance to yeast, brewers and bakers.
So its not that I have a build up, its just that I have a proper auto immune reaction to it, whenever I eat it.

Ive found this really interesting because all the symptoms i have are classic yeast intolerance, anxeity/panic attacks/foggy head/constipation/skin problems.

They are giving me a diet sheet to help me keep to the plan for 3 months with a follow up by a nutritionist. So its all very official and I am on my 3rd day today!

I am doing this for myself but hopefully for all of us on here to see if it really makes a difference once and for all ?

I havent notised much difference so far except for one thing......
my constipation has stopped [:I] which is great.

If you want me to , i can post how Its going...like a diary with all the foods I can and cant eat incase anyone else wants to try?

fingers crossed.


23-11-06, 12:26
hi mirry, i am glad you posted this as i was wondering about following an anti-yeast diet too, and i'd be interested to see if it works for you. I have read up a bit about it before but was put off because there are so many restrictions and i must admit i am pretty lazy about making changes to my diet (especially when they involve giving up all the things i love ;)), but to be honest, the way i feel at the moment, anything's worth a try.

Please post a bit more about it, i would definitely be interested in finding out more.


23-11-06, 12:52
Mirry all your posts are interesting mate - so I shall follow this one too to see how you get on! :D

Piglet x

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

23-11-06, 13:34
Piglet, I would of loved to of been a researcher , is it too late ,lol ?

Ok so far the yeasty things to avoid are..........

all vinegars
all cheeses including cottage cheese
most breads/crackers
some biscuits
some crisps (plain is ok)
malt cereals
vitamin b vitamins (you can get yeast free version)
Remember this is just a yeast free diet, it is not the candida diet although it is basically the same diet, if you want to do the candida diet which is more severe and restrictive then you need to also cut out all sugars and mushrooms.
The good thing is chocolate is ok on the yeast free diet [Yeah!]


23-11-06, 13:41
An interesting fact : 1 out of 3 people have a yeast intolerance yet dont know it :)

Alternative Things I am eating,

tourtilla wraps (as a bread)
comptons gravy :D

check out ............foodintol.com
it has a symptoms matrix and if you register you can read it, it lists all the symtoms of yeast intollerance and also what the symptoms are to other foods. If you read about the yeast it will say panic attacks (its the only food that lists this as a symptom).


23-11-06, 14:37
lucy, i couldnt give up chocolate lol.
Ive been told I only need to give up eating yeast products only.
for example I can eat mushrooms cos they tested me with it.
But for the candida diet then avoiding sugar can help, as sugar may help yeast grow in the body (which isnt brewers or bakers yeast).

But if you cant give up the sugar then just cut it down a bit, no point going so severe you cant keep it up (remember xmas is coming).

collecting recipes so will add some shortly.


23-11-06, 17:21
Good luck mirry,Iv done it and its really hard.felt good for it after and lost a stone to.I felt better in myself and it helped the constipation.[:P]

Ellen XX

25-11-06, 09:47
hi mirry,

i have candida, i went to a Kinesiologist, it was really interesting, my GP said that i had helicobactor pyliori, but infact it was candida, very similar thing, i didnt eat bread, mushrooms, redwine, anything containing yeast, she alos told that i was dehydrated. she told me to take asidophulus and this juice i cant remember the name used to have to take 2 capfulls oif it a day, it did work, and i felt so much better, what a pity i havent stuck to it though i did stick it for 2 months but after that i found it really hard.

keep up the research


25-11-06, 17:51
had to let you all know this.....

my dermatitis on my scalp has gone, have had it 12 years and get a repeat prescription from my doctor, theres nothing on my scalp at all, its amazing (hope it dont come back).

my face is less irritated too and looking calmer..which gets me thinking to earlier this year when I had food poisoning and couldnt eat for a week, my skin went lovely then.

Today ive had energy, cleaned the house top to bottom and baked sausage rolls and oat cookies :D all yeast free lol.

My weight still hasnt shifted [V] I need to loose by xmas half a stone at least, anyone want to join me ? If so let me know :)


27-11-06, 15:32
Hi everyone,

I feel like I'm crashing this forum a bit as I don't suffer from panic attacks, but I am on a Yeast Free diet due to issues with my skin.

It definitely works, but the thing I find hardest to stick to is not having any alcohol!!

I've heard different stories about alcohol. The allergy specialist I went to said Vodka and Brandy are yeast free. I since read though that seeing as all alcohol is made by yeast reacting with sugars, all alcohol contains some element of yeast.

I've also read though that yeast can't survive in alcohol content of greater that 15% and therefore most spirits are Yeast free.

It's so confusing!!!! Have any of you researched this element of the diet??

27-11-06, 15:52
I want to know about alcohol too, in about one weeks time I should be speaking to them and will ask about it and will let you know what they say.

What skin condition did it give you ? I have pyrosis (dont know how its spelt) looks like dandruff [xx(] but its gone now [Yeah!]

how long have you been on the diet ? would love to hear from you again!


27-11-06, 16:32
Hi,hows it going Mirry.I saw a nutritionist who said I had candida.I had to avoid anything with yeast and sugars.So alcohol was totally out for me.It was very very hard to stick to,and I did it for 3 months.Then slowy went back to normal eating.Although I still dont have tea or coffee.When I started the yeast free diet and cut out tea and coffee I went through hell with the withdrawrel symptoms.I did find I had more energy,my skin was clearer,I lost a stone in wieght.Its like have a really good detox.

Ellen XX

04-12-06, 17:20
Hi Mirry,

My Doctor has since told me that all alcohol will contain yeast so therefore I should try and cut it out completely.

Well that's never gonna happen, so I guess I'll just have to put up with it!!

05-12-06, 09:18
wine and beer have high levels of yeast, spirits have hardly any so are ok to have in moderation Ive been told :D cheers!


05-12-06, 16:17
spoke to doctor and found out I am allowed soya cheese and ryvitas...



05-12-06, 16:40
lucky you lol! i bet you cant wait to tuck into that!

i havent plucked up the courage to try this yet, the list of food you have to avoid sounds like pretty much everything, the only thing i wouldnt miss would be ketchup, so that's not a great start. Maybe after christmas i'll give it a go.:D

keep letting us know how you're getting on,


08-05-09, 12:35
I've recently discovered through a "York Test" that I'm yeast intolerant. (As well as dairy and most nuts)
I'm really struggling to find a varied yeast free food list. I'm getting fed up of rice cakes and veggies!
Can you suggest varied foods and drinks that I won't get bored with within a couple of weeks!
Hope you can help
Many thanks

08-05-09, 13:34
hi where what and who did u get blood test from x

09-09-09, 12:23
I've recently discovered through a "York Test" that I'm yeast intolerant. (As well as dairy and most nuts)
I'm really struggling to find a varied yeast free food list. I'm getting fed up of rice cakes and veggies!
Can you suggest varied foods and drinks that I won't get bored with within a couple of weeks!
Hope you can help
Many thanks

I Tracey
Im just starting the yest free diet again i did it last year it wasn't too bad. I totally understand about been fed up with rice cakes and veggies. Instead of the rice cakes u may have oat cakes or corn crackers. if you go into your local health food shop you prob be able to a get bread mix which is yest, dairy,egg ect free which i got the name of it was "Glebe farm gluten free white bread mix".
Best of luck

13-02-10, 12:44
Hi all - 1st post here <newbie>!
Just had results from 'York Test' (www.yorktest.com) and found out after 36 years of fatigue, and recent IBS problems, that I have intolerances to Yeast, Milk and Egg! Great...
As with Tracey above, I am having great trouble finding varied food options and must have spent half an hour searching through M&S's sandwich range to find something I could eat! Flatbreads seem to be the order of the day, but would be interested in recipes to make my own bread minus yeast...
Will REALLY miss beer.... Pinning my Saturday night hopes on brandy and Vodka now! Have no idea what to use as mixers for the vodka though? Thinking Diet Coke???
@ Tracey - you get two free dietary consultations with York Test if you didn't know already. I only found out through the web site - my consultant didn't tell me....
Anyway - big hello to all. Looking forward to starting my new journey with hopefully more energy and vigour for life!

04-08-10, 22:32
Hiya have just got my Yorktest results back and I too have to go yeast free as well as dairy (fun!)... I will certainly miss pizza :weep: Cutting out dairy shouldn't be a problem, but yeast is tricky... am not sure what to avoid exactly so I was wondering if you have any advice? All the best to those who are on the diet.

20-10-10, 17:19
Hi all
I have been asked to also go on a Yeast free diet & a dairy free diet & a rice free diet!
Yush I'm gonna starve to death - lol

I'm in my 2nd wk now and I've lost around a half stone in weight, got loads of energy, but missing the alcohol, I am loving the detox feeling, I'm also going the gym regular 3 times a week, drinking loads of water for the constant flush effect for my organs and liver and kidneys as I have been dehydrated for about 4 years straight!

My colonic irrigation and the nutritionist test that let me know I was intolerant to all these things was a blessing.

If you feel bloated, have problems with milk or have or suspect you have IBS, or have regular or constant constipation or diarrhoea, skin problems - headaches - smelly farts, I would suggest getting a intolerance test done.

I would like to know if Alcohol free beer is OK to drink?
Oh here is a link I found for yeast free beer, Yippee I hope it tastes good :)
