View Full Version : Had barium swallow today

angel wings
19-02-14, 16:18

I havent been on here for a while over a year but am in need of some reassurance , I have had anxiety for quite a few years and thought i had it under control until this last month .
I have been having swallowing problems food getting stuck tight throat loss of appetite have totally no interest in food and dont feel hungry burning throat and regurgitation etc...have loss a stone in the last few weeks

Any way i had a barium swallow today and i am so worried about the results the lady did not give much away but she did say the barium was going down slower than what it should do which made me concerned i have to wait a week for the results and i dont know how longer i can go on not eating well and feeling like this :weep:

didn't know if anyone was going through the same thing or had some advice x

19-02-14, 16:32
Hope u get a good result :hugs:

angel wings
19-02-14, 17:51
Thank you spuder i hope so just trying to stay calm but anxiety at a all high at the moment .

angel wings
05-03-14, 11:05
ok so results are back i have mild oesophageal dysmotility with spasm ??? and they cant really do alot about it he suggested i go back on the cit and see if it helps my throat to relax !!! but glad its nothing too serious still having trouble swallowing though !

05-03-14, 11:09
I get food stuck all the time too. Especially if it's breads or pastas. Sort of in the upper part of my chest. It's really annoying and hurts a lot when it happens. But oh well, could be worse :)

angel wings
05-03-14, 11:13
Its so annoying just want to eat normally ,and bread is a no no for me at the moment but as you said could be worse dont really want to go back on cit but if it helps i will give it another go : )