View Full Version : What do your panic attacks feel like?

19-02-14, 18:09
I'm always curious about this. I have a condition called POTS that can have have very similar symptoms to panic, so then when I do get panicky I can't really tell what's what. Detail would be appreciated :D

19-02-14, 19:30
Postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome, some of the symptoms are similar to panic attacks, but don't last as long, unless you keep moving around, never came across it as a paramedic, but have come across postural hypotension , which is someones blood pressure drops when they stand up, Can i be of anymore help let me know. Until then take care my friend,:flowers:

19-02-14, 21:29
MY panic attacks feel like my whole body is out of my control and my mind is racing. Fast heartbeat. disassociation. My stomach will hurt. Feeling like I can't breathe.

19-02-14, 22:21
Hi, Murphy's law. POTS is always worse when standing, but it's something of a myth that the symptoms only occur when standing. That's more true for those whose symptoms are caused by blood pooling in the legs (EDS, etc), but not as much for those who have hypovolemia and consequent adrenergic problems (more common in post-viral POTS). On a good day, you only feel bad standing; on a bad day, you just feel bad. Nice to know you're aware of it as a paramedic though; most medical people here have never heard of it.

Thanks, BessieMae. I definitely get most of those things. Very icky.

07-03-14, 19:39
Mine will start with I feel kinda like I am swaying and then the thoughts like "oh crap what's going on? Why am I feeling like this? Am I dying?" and then the rapid heart beats will start, my vision goes funny, my balance mucks up, I feel sick to my stomach, I feel as though I am about to have diarrhea, I get all clammy and warm and then I start to shake.

11-03-14, 02:58
I feel intense anxiety, very shaky, hot, tingling limbs, sensitive heart etc. I have to move around a lot to try and burn off some of the adrenaline, I tend to try and have a friend with me to talk to and distract me.

11-03-14, 23:30
Ive had dizziness, vision goes blurry, shaky, cold or hot and sweaty, tingling in arms, burning in chest and throat, feeling like u cant breath properly, diarrhoea, feel like your legs are weak when you try to walk, racing heart palpitations. I dont always get all of the symptoms at the same time though n the feeling that something is medically wrong and ur gonna pass out or die. I try and count down from a thousand to distract myself not easy when ur minds racing but it helps lol xx

15-03-14, 11:43
How do they actually begin for you all?

Sometimes I am just sitting around or doing something not thinking about it (but probably sub consciously I am) then its like a flash or one big wave or even a blink. I take a while to readjust and think what just happened then it starts. Once that happens I just try and laugh and realise what it is and go through the motions of breathing and calming down. It's not easy but I find if I just laugh at the whole situation I get better.

15-03-14, 19:19
Lately my belly bloats, my breath speeds up, it feels like my heart's fluttering and I have to run to the toilet (diarrhea). This is often accompanied by nausea, dizziness and ALWAYS a sense of impeding death. The crisis begin either suddenly, with no apparent cause, or when I overthink my life's problems. When the attacks first started, 7 years ago, I also had an horrible chest pain and I felt like I was choking, but that doesn't happen anymore.