View Full Version : Why do I get so scared over the stupidest thoughts?!

19-02-14, 20:32
Why do I get so freaked over the silly thoughts I create by myself. Like basically just now I had the thought 'what if the world suddenly run out of oxygen' and then i envision myself gasping for breath and i think im not ready for death yet and then I got really anxious. Like im already still anxious and thinking about it though not as bad. Why do I let these thoughts get to me so much? I also have this stupid thing where I think if I choose to accept and move on from my thoughts that I will 'jinx' it and that it well then happen. Even writing it im scared. Its playing havoc with eating with my choking fear as you can imagine. How can I stop this?

19-02-14, 20:38
Hey I'm exactly the same... I feel like there is nothing that can help me. I think stuff like another man touching my girlfriend the way I do because I can't be the same person i use to be from this dang anxiety. Sorry I can't help but im here to talk to you if you need it.

20-02-14, 03:22
Meds and therapy. This is the story of my life. What if this what if that. It's a tough cycle but you can learn to control or at least change it. You can make it.