View Full Version : can bone travel????

19-02-14, 21:01
About 2 year ago I really hurt my shin bone at the bottom I banged it on something, I couldn't walk properly on it for about a week, even then I had a shlight limp for a while.

2 years on it still hurts to touch

My question is if I chipped the bone, is it possible to travel in my body???

Because why would it still hurt to touch now if I didn't do something bad to it, so now I'm worried that the chip will travel and kill me!!!!

Eveytime I get a stabby pain in my leg I thinly about it :(

19-02-14, 21:06
There's a lot of significant soft tissue at the bottom of your leg, so it's quite possible some of that's a little irritated. It's not likely that bone would be annoyed after all this time.

19-02-14, 23:05
If you did break your shin bone, you would know because you wouldn't be able to bear any weight on it, yet alone walk. So there are two other possibilities:
- You're some kind of superhero who can heal broken bones without knowing it (which could really come in handy!)
- Or like Althea said it's irritated soft tissue. (Option 2 sounds more believable!)

Anyway, in all seriousness, if it still hurts try putting some ice or wrap a scarf around your leg. I know say this to practically everyone with a sore leg but it really does help!

19-02-14, 23:08
My question is if I chipped the bone, is it possible to travel in my body???
