View Full Version : Christmas dreads

23-11-06, 12:56
Hear we are again...that rather repulsive time of year and I'm dreading it. I have no family or friends to spend it with (unless I put up with being spewed on by my alcoholic mother) so I am spending it on my own yet again. Was going to go away but I don't think it's doable for me really as a. I'm on my won so have to pay a huge single supplement wherever I go and b. can't walk or stand very well due to my joint problems so can't really take part in package singles hoiliday. Even if my joints were ok my moods are so eratic there's no tlling what I'll do. if someone says something to piss me off I could explode into a violent rage.

So yeah all fun again this year. Anybody else spending it alone?

23-11-06, 13:19
Hello pet sorry to hear your so down.Im not fussed on christmas,it used to be ok when my nan and grandad were alive,but now aunts and uncles have moved away.Our christmas is quite boring,to me its just another day.My brother is an alcoholic,so I can understand how you feel.I would go away pet, to a nice sea side hotel,have a nice christmas dinner and sleep all afternoon and watch the christmas films,curled up with some chocolates,yummie!!!!!!!![:P]Do you have any pets?

Ellen XX

23-11-06, 13:32
No don't have any pets. Unless you count my robotic dinosaur (lol I'm only 30) I would go away to a non package thing but I feel I'd be more lonely away than I would at home.

23-11-06, 15:02
Its not a good time of year for anyone with this illness dark nights etc..Sorry your on your own, But allthough some of us may have some one...the illness in itself can be isolating unless your with someone who know exactly how you feel...
I have to go with the Pet thing might sound mad but Im home signed off work but i dont feel alone as my 2 dogs are great company..they dont judge me if im going through a bad period...i talk away to them about how i feel and they dont say 'pull your self together' and they give great hugs ....
Maybe just arrange to do some thing xmas days even if its just a walk...it may keep you focesed on something positive rather than qorrying..not that simple I know but Im trying the old positive line of thought as per Clare Weeks ...retrain my brain ...

23-11-06, 16:39
I'm not alone, but sometimes I do feel it. My cat is great. He listens and never judges... :D


Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.

24-11-06, 01:09
Hi Polly
Going away for a change of scenery sounds good to me.Catered Xmas dinner with new people should be fun.
My daughter wants us to go to her place for Xmas cause we had it at our place last year.
Trouble is she lives in No. 13 and I've got a phobia about 13.
Dunno what to do cause my wife wants to go and I'll be in deep poo if I don't.

Don't believe everything you think.

24-11-06, 09:58
I'd love to but like I said above it's either all booked up or way too expensive. Might go to Glastonbury for winter solstice instead. Might be quite lonely but better than staying in.

24-11-06, 11:15
wow,glastonbury..polly..bet you would not be alone for long hun!!It's such a place of pilgrimege isn't it!I have a painting of the Tor on my wall and it is sooo spiritual and mystical.soz for being nosey ,but what's the matter with your joints poll??Sounds very painful and you are so young,tellmeto mind my own business if you want matey!Loive mary rose.xxxxxx

we are all in the same boat and can guide each other ashore

25-11-06, 12:09
No I don't mind you asking I'll answer any questions I don't mind. I have Ehlers Danlos Syndrome. Don't know if you've heard of it but it's a rare connective tissue disorder which, amoung other things, causses my joints to eithr be very painful or dislocate at the drop of a hat. there will be a lot of sitting down I expect! Itherwise I might be carted home in an ambulance!

25-11-06, 23:25
Im not alone this Christmas but I am with my family and I am absolutely dreading it!!!!! Last year I was extremely unhappy and I am really struggling at the moment. I can't confide in any of them esp my mum because she just says I am going to ruin christmas by being like Leanne (my sister she self harms we havent seen her for 3 years) and I feel under so much pressure to be happy!

Granny Primark
26-11-06, 10:49
Christmas is a terrible time for loads of people.
We have so much pressure put upon us to make the day special that we end up not enjoying the day.
Whatever you decide to do have a good one polly.

Take care