View Full Version : Just like to know if anyone has stopped driving with anxiety

19-02-14, 23:04
I have stopped driving since my anxiety has increased. Just wanted to know if it has affected anyone else.

19-02-14, 23:08
I have problems driving but I have never stopped doing it - I have worked hard to keep doing it to be honest.

19-02-14, 23:08
I moved your post as well

19-02-14, 23:15
Thankyou Nicola,
I just realised after posting that I have posted in the wrong section.

19-02-14, 23:16
There have been times when I've been so anxious it's made me think twice about driving, but to be honest I've fought it off as driving represents a massive freedom to me.

19-02-14, 23:58
There have been times when I've been so anxious it's made me think twice about driving, but to be honest I've fought it off as driving represents a massive freedom to me.


Short journeys are a piece of piss for me. It's the long journeys that get me. I crawl along at 54 mph with the trucks. Quite sad really but at least I get there. :unsure:

20-02-14, 20:22
Yes I've become terrified of driving, well driving on my own. I'll happily drive if someone else is in the car with me but it's the thought of being alone that scares me. So it isn't actually a fear of driving as such.

20-02-14, 23:13
Good on all of you! I haven't driven for the past 8 months. It's because I have been experiencing derealisation feelings. But since I have started taking citalopram, I am having some good periods. So hopefully will able to get back. Take care.

21-02-14, 11:24
Beauty, I can understand that... I was the same when I first started driving.... Worse than that I was forever worried I had a flat tyre of the battery was flat, or I had forgotten to lock the car x

22-02-14, 19:03
I'm actually too terrified to learn to drive, let alone imagine the posibility of actually driving one day. It's creating massive problems for me, socially and emotionally. I'm planning on kicking it in once my husband has learnt to drive.