View Full Version : I'm off... Thank you :)

19-02-14, 23:11
Hi All,

Something's changed horrah horrah!
Yes I have anxiety yes I have panic attacks... Will they kill me no!

For the first time last night I saw the doctor just to see how I was doing and he said right I think we can safely say the majority of your dizziness is anxiety. First time my doctor has finally accepted as well as me that it's my anxiety causing it... Also the programme about placebos has made me realise how strong the mind is...

I have turned a huge corner and yes there will be relapses but for the time being I am off and taking a little break (I know I've done this before but I'm hoping to stick to it this time)

I've for therapy sorted for the next few weeks and my hen do and my wedding so lots to keep me busy :)

Thanks again for everyone's help and support xx

19-02-14, 23:26
That's the spirit. Wishing you all the best, have a great hen night/wedding.


19-02-14, 23:30
Wishing you the best of luck hoping your awful dizziness goes for you aswell take care xx

19-02-14, 23:36
Good! I was getting a little "fedup" with you anyway ;) Good for you! VERY glad to read this!

To hell with the Dragon! My very best wishes to you :)

Positive thoughts

19-02-14, 23:40
Yes! I'm so pleased for you Fedup!

Have an amazing wedding and I wish you all the best for the future :)

20-02-14, 00:08
I don't come here much at the moment but just to say, woohoo fed up I genuinely think that is the first step, and also I am chuffed you are still a NED Fishmanpa. I will explain to you one day what that means in Glasgow where my wife is from ;)

Hope you guys are all ok.


20-02-14, 00:42
Good for you and congrats on the the up and coming wedding.

20-02-14, 00:52
So happy for you! I love reading posts like these. Good luck <3 x

Hope you have an amazing wedding!