View Full Version : Sob after eating....anyone plzzzzzzzzzzz

19-02-14, 23:54
Oh no here I am again!!

For a while now I have been getting short of breath after eating my dinner! I dont get it after breakfast and mostly dont eat a lunch. I used to get high heart rate after but dont get that now. I just dont understand what's happening to me. It can last for a couple of hours sometimes and I feel like I cant do anything as I am so sob. Does anyone else get this plz? I started having soup etc instead of a dinner and I didn't get it!!!

Thanks in advance,

22-02-14, 04:53
Hi Els,

What do you generally have for dinner if you don't mind my asking? It may be something particular that you are eating that is causing it. For example, I have an intollerance to lactose, and if I have too much dairy my body can't digest it and I get really lethargic and short of breath for quite some time afterwards. Given that it only happens when you have dinner, which I am assuming is your biggest meal, it may also be that your body doesnt digest very well in the evening.

Anxiety can also cause your stomach to tense, which makes digestion more difficult and could leave you short of breath due to using so much energy.

Have you spoken to your doctor about this? They may be able to provide a good explanation or run tests to see what is going on.

23-02-14, 02:44
Hi Anthrokid

Thank you so much for taking the time to reply. I guess I knew it wasn't anxiety but hoped that it was!

I don't eat a lot but I eat all the wrong foods. Since giving up smoking 4 and half years ago I have a bigger appetite, still without overeating though. I have that reflux quite a lot and I think that could be the cause since I only get it after a dinner rather than a smallish meal. I have started to have more meals but less at a time, I am starving now most of the time but at least I don't get that horrible short of breathness!:weep:

I haven't spoken to the doctor cause I'm afraid of tests and hospitals and basically everything! So like everything else, I will try and cure it myself:noangel::noangel:

When you get older it's just one thing on top of another, bloody horrid:wacko::wacko:

Thanks again for replying. Take care.


25-02-14, 23:51
Try cutting out sugar and see if that makes a difference. I get severe anxiety, shortness of breath when I have any kind of sugar.

03-03-14, 00:22
Do you have anxiety when having social meals? I get something similiar in that I am more anxious but sometimes its centred around certain meals.

Food does ramp up you body so it can increase levels of adrenalin in the process. So, is it recent?

Ive seen on some fitness forums that people with anxiety issues have found themselves suffering after digesting whey protein or BCAAs which they believe may be due to the presence of gluten.