View Full Version : Headache worry.

20-02-14, 00:31
Hi guys,

I posted in around December last year tha I had a fear that I had a brain tumour. I saw a neurologist today who, like all the other doctors I've seen believe I don't have anything sinister and that it's just migraines. Of course, this made no difference to my worry, and although my panic attacks have gone, my anxiety is still here. The doctor seemed very blasé, he gave me a routine check I.e touch your nose, look into your eye etc, and afterwards decided to put me on amitryptylin. Again, I feel that I'm being handed pills because all they read on my notes is 'anxiety'. Over the past couple of days, I've felt unwell and I had a bad headache (relieved by ibuprofen for the day), the pressure seems more noticeable and the derealization/ dizziness has also become more noticeable. My ears feel extra full and I've had pains in my ear and intense tension above my ear. I'm not panicking like I used to but I'm worried and can't go to sleep. Can anyone reassure me please?

20-02-14, 00:36
I have everything you described from jaw clenching except the derealisation that is most likely caused from worrying,

I'm sure the neurologist would have noticed if something was amiss.

20-02-14, 22:57
I agree, plus it's been an year since you first had your symptoms, if you had brain tumor you probably would be dying by now. Don't worry :)

22-02-14, 04:05
Have you been feeling unwell with a bad headache, pressure and more noticable derealisation since you started the amitryptylin? A lot of the time symptoms worsen for a few days, up to a couple of weeks, when you start a new medication because your body has to try and adjust to a new chemical balance. If it is worse than it was before you started the meds, it is likely to be due to the meds that it all feels worse. If it doesn't improve within a week talk to your doctor again about the amitryptylin as it may not be the medicine best suited to you.

12-05-14, 18:13
Hi Emma,

Well well well, somebody else with the same disturbing symptoms as myself. Its a living nightmare. I started with migraines/derealisation about 4/5 years ago and totally convinced myself i had a brain tumor to the extent that i ended up at A&E on several occasions with severe panic attacks. Eventually i got referred to a neurologist who like you did not think there was anything sinister going on. However i asked for a CT and/or MRI scan to put my mind at rest. I initially had a CT scan which came back normal, but guess what i was not happy with that so i ask for a second opinion and eventually had an MRI scan which came back fine. After the MRI everything seemed to calm down and everything was fine, but in Oct 2011 my father died suddenly of an abdominal Aneurysm and guess what all the above symptoms returned, but i feel less anxious than last time as i have been through this before, don`t get me wrong it plays havoc with day to day life but i have learnt to accept the symptoms and hopefully will lead a normal life soon. I suppose what i am trying to say is that anxiety mimics all kinds of diseases and leads you into a false sense of doom and gloom. If you are not happy with your Neurologist then ask for a second opinion including a scan if you feel it will put your mind at rest. If you feel the way i did several years ago i know that it does not matter how many doctors consultants or professionals tell you you`ve got anxiety you just do not believe them. However i hope this message helps in that the original diagnosis of Migraine by the local GP was the right one.

Take care
