View Full Version : Do you ever feel silly?

20-02-14, 08:09
So, after this white lump in my nostril has reduced in size bits have fallen off (although im worried it may come back)

I feel so ridiculous that I thought the worse! I feel silly that again I let my Health anxiety get the better of me AGAIN!! I'm fine its not cancer it was nothing life threatening that made me have 3 hours sleep on Saturday night. I feel silly that once again I made me and my husband have a huge row in the middle of night.
Is it just me? or is this the way we feel after a bout of HA?

Also I would like to thank Glass Pinata for giving me the reality check I needed. Thank you :) xxx

20-02-14, 08:33
Yes I always feel
Silly when the symptoms turn out to be nothing and when I'm seeking reassurance as I'm saying it I feel stupid and immature , think we all need a reality check sometimes x

20-02-14, 10:12
People I know make me feel stupid sometimes which isn't to nice....

What they don't understand is that the symptoms are there and I'm not making thongs up,

God help they ever got h/a they would know what torture it is then!!

20-02-14, 10:13
Quite often. Even now when anxiety isn't a huge issue for me, I'll still fleetingly think what that headache could be or what if that tummy cramp was something more sinister - especially if they last for more than a few hours. When I'm distracted or when it goes I think 'did I really think that' :doh:. That's just the lingering scar that anxiety has left on me and I think I'll always be that way. On a positive note I'm no where near as bad as I was a few years ago. Glad you're feeling better about things. xx