View Full Version : Hard lump in shoulder, so worried

20-02-14, 10:10
Someone please please help me!!!
I worry about everything and cancer is one of my biggest worries lately.
I have recently found a hard lump on the top of my shoulder, it is right next to the bump that is situated as the end of the shoulder. I am so worried, it is a HARD lump and does not move and it also feels a bit like its cracking underneath. I have never injured my arm so i have no idea what it is. I have never experienced any pain before until i started touching it and then it created a dull aching pain. I cannot find answers as to what it might be anywhere and i dont want to go to the doctors again as i've already been this month for something that turned out to be completely normal.
Someone please help me, all this worrying over lumps and everything is ruining my life.
Bearing in mind that I have terrible anxiety, it is potentially something to do with a muscle know? Even though the lump is on my clavical bone

20-02-14, 10:30
I haven't had this before, so can't help you out,

But if it feels like its cracking when you touch it, you need to get it checked out by a doctor.

20-02-14, 23:04
Jessie, it sounds like you're just touching the coracoid process--that's a bony lump that sticks out like a beak just by the end of your clavicle and your shoulder, which is where you describe feeling it.