View Full Version : HELLO !

20-02-14, 11:49
Hello everyone! My name is Monica, i'm from Lithuania, 17 ears old. 2 ears ago I had a lot of changes in my life, and i'm starting to have a weird feeling,that something is wrong. I got through evey doctor - cardio,endocrinologist and so on. But 2 years no one could say what is wrong with me. Till this year i got first panick attack, and on November I just couldn't do anything and cryed for 2 days, didn't ate and so on. When I got to psychologist and psychiatrist and yeah, when doctors considered that i have anxiety really high level, and almost depression. So, right now I drink medicaments like 4 moths. And still time to time I have panick attacks. So I think i would feel better if I will be with people who also lives like I do. :) Also, I have a question, is that possible that one day panick attacks will stop, and will never repeat again? Can anyone offer what to do when panick attack starts,to feel better? :)

20-02-14, 12:01
Hello Monika!

I think it is definitely possible that panic attacks can just stop out of the blue one day, I find focusing on something outside of my body helps to stop them :)

I'm also of the same age as you (well in a couple of weeks time)

I'm sure you'll meet lots of lovely people here, welcome :)

20-02-14, 12:11
Hey ! Yeah, I am trying to do that too. But still, my stupid head have think about bad things, and then i feel even worse.It is sooo hard to focuse on something else. ;/ Well, I am happy that I am not alone ^^ nice to meet you, thank you for your help ! :)

20-02-14, 12:13
Don't worry I understand, it takes a bit of practice and I'm sure the medication will help!

Have you tried any breathing exercises or meditation? :)

20-02-14, 12:18
I think like that too, you know, I am new with that whole panick attack thing , so I don't really tryed anything. I just drink extra remedy, and wait till it ends, so it is kinda hard just sit and wait. If you know some exercise, can you send me a link were i can find them? :)

20-02-14, 12:35
Sure I'll look for some and send you a message if you like? or shall I just post them here?

It's like any other illness, it takes time to heal but it needs to be treated as well :)

20-02-14, 12:44
Just send me in private message :)