View Full Version : Why I am still worrying about my health

20-02-14, 12:13
I am 30 male,

I am worrying too much still about the big c word, I still think I got something serious wrong with me, not matter how much reassurance I get.
It does not help me still reading daily mail online which I tried to reduced about people being misdiagnosis etc.

As you know I been worrying about bowel cancer with these abdominal pains, these have gone now. I had a lot of scans and all back fine, but I don't trust these scans and test results, that something was not seen. I should trust the specialist, even though she would not lie to me because my parents were there. I am still always looking in the bowl after ever bowel movement.

Even though nobody in the family has had cancer, it still worries me about my health so much.

I worry about my neck, every pain twinge etc. I am scared of cancer. I am back of the cycle of checking more and more worrying about testicular cancer, checking my nodes on neck, bones etc (because I am scared of head and neck cancer) oral/mouth cancer even though I go to the dentist
every three months I sometimes I feel I don't trust the dentist that she miss something which could be serious. even though I don't smoke or drink. I can't keep going for these scans and tests. If I could I would visit the GP every day, dentist every week and opticians every month because I am scared about health

20-02-14, 12:20
Phil, the worries and the symptoms of anxiety come and go. I just posted the same myself. You have to remember that you are only able to control your own reactions. It is not easy but when we can begin to look at things in a rational manner, the symptoms and the worries ease up.
Trust the physicians and the scan results. Quit reading the daily mail. For each person wrongly diagnosed, tens of thousand had the correct diagnosis. The problem is that the correct diagnoses don't sell newspapers.
Are you working any CBT surrounding your anxiety?

20-02-14, 12:25
It was my last CBT yesterday so one of the GPs are hopefully going to phone me up to see are there any more options. I am looking at another group who may be able to help me, but got a few job clubs to attend.
I am trying the help I already had from CBT and trying to put these into practice.
many thanks for your reply.

20-02-14, 12:27
Phil, there is a free online CBT course that you may find helpful. It has helped me quite a bit.