View Full Version : Can't Control Everything

20-02-14, 12:15
Good Morning to all. As Too Much would say, that darned dragon has been circling my house and peering in my windows. The last few days I've had more physical symptoms and mini-anxiety attacks than I have had in many months. I am accepting them as anxiety, albeit not as successfully as I have been. Perfectionism rearing it's ugly head again.

A great example is two nights ago I woke up with an almost Charley horse type of cramp in my left foot. It never became an all out cramp. It has now been tight, tender and sore for two days. I about worked myself into a frenzy thinking I had a DVT or a spontaneous ruptured tendon from taking antibiotics for my back. I even googled. Aaaarrrrrggggghhhhh.

It took awhile of journaling and applying CBT type thinking before I managed to calm myself down. If I'm totally honest, the foot problem causes are still in the back of my mind. Now that's just down right silly since every single muscle in my body is extremely tense and tight. so many tendons, ligaments and muscles in my foot. No reason those shouldn't be tight too.

The good news around my family just keeps piling up. My partner' Mother just had an MRI and found out that the bone in her leg has spontaneously died. She is going to have to have a total knee replacement. She is 78, diabetic, overweight and has already had one stroke. So my partner will probably have to go to Atlanta for several weeks to a mont to care for her Mother. I'm not sure how I will continue to take care of my Dad,three dogs, my Dad's dog, a kitten and household, while holding down a more than full time job all on my own.

I have to get a handle on the things that I can control and give up worrying about the things that I can't control.

Also, March is coming, which is traditionally the worst month for my anxiety. This is an entire separate post for later, but suffice to say that every single woman on my Mom's side of the family, for four generations back, has died during the month of March.

Again, I have to get hold of the things that I can control and let go of those I can't.

20-02-14, 12:37
Good morning, my friend!
Great post- so sorry it is birthed from a hard place though!
I have to run this morning, but will be back later to visit with you more.....did want to share something that might bring a laugh.....when I first read through your post I thought it said "the dragon is circling my house PEEING in my windows." Can you get that visual? Lol!

20-02-14, 12:53
Some days it feels like the damn dragon is PEEING in my windows. LOL

20-02-14, 13:46
"the dragon is circling my house PEEING in my windows."

Ahahahaha WOW :roflmao:

Tanner- I'm sure March will be positive for you, after all you've been through it has to be!

Have a great day guys :)

20-02-14, 13:53
Yes that's the way forward, never try and control thing's that out of your control, it's a complete waste of time and will have no value to your life. Your doing the best thing to just accept them and let them go :)

20-02-14, 13:57
I can only offer this :hugs: hang in there you are a brave person for doing so

20-02-14, 13:58
I can only offer this :hugs: hang in there you are a brave person for doing so

There needs to be a reweet button on here lol I guess the closest thing to doing so, is quoting :)

20-02-14, 14:09
I just wanted to add, I have had that cramp several times! It is always in the middle of the night, and it is tight, tight, tight! Very painful. And the tenderness stays. I have had it for as long as I can remember, so I don't think it is anything sinister.

20-02-14, 15:16
Thanks to everyone. Things just seem to keep getting crazier but I just have to work harder at accepting ( I know the key is not to work at it, but to just let it happen). I will continue to focus on the things that are within my control and let go of the things that aren't.