View Full Version : sick of feeling like this ...pancreatic c worries

20-02-14, 17:59
since the beginning of January I have been getting some awful symptoms, slight stitch in left rib somewhere, upper left back burning and aching from spine to shoulder blade, and random shooting twinge like pains in my left abdomen , the only way I can describe the area of the twinges is directly 2-3 in below my left nipple area , which go as far down as in line with my navel. on a pain scale 1-20 they are a 2, so not too painful.

dr google tells me I have oancreatic cancer, pancreatitis or an ulcer, I tested negative for h pylori so an ulcer is unlikely.
ultrasound I had in oct on my ovaries showed nothing on my pancreas .
really freaking out and cant stop looking for cancer statistics on pan c :( iv 3 lovely kids that need me .

lansoprazole and ranitidine aren't working for my supposedly reflux.

20-02-14, 18:13
I have same symptoms and am waiting for an ultrasound scan. Really anxious . Have had the dull ache in the area of my left ribs at the back it often feels like a pulling sensation. How long have you felt like this? Mine has been 2 months now and very worrying. One thing I have stopped doing is googling symptoms, only attributes to my growing anxiety. Hope you are feeling better very soon .

20-02-14, 18:58
since the beg of jan.
I had ultrasound in oct but it was to check on my ovaries but apparently they checked all over. no abnormalities shown.
iv just been crying my eyes out in the bath,, cant live like this anymore :( today is the day I am going to stop googling.

20-02-14, 19:47
I have the same worries and waiting for endoscopy. I had a scan on my ovaries last year for ovarian cancer worry but didn't realise that May have shown my pancreas?

20-02-14, 19:54
I can tell you for certain you don't have pancreatitis. I've had it, it's unpleasant. You'd be very poorly.

20-02-14, 22:07
I was given my results for the scan and thought nothing more of it until this current problem came and the dr said your pancreas,spleen,liver, and kidneys all fine on scan. I asked were they definetly scanned she replies yes despite me not realising. however I don't think they were scanning me for long enough to check all of these things.
why are you getting an endoscopy?what does th dr think is the problem ?

I have the same worries and waiting for endoscopy. I had a scan on my ovaries last year for ovarian cancer worry but didn't realise that May have shown my pancreas?

---------- Post added at 22:07 ---------- Previous post was at 22:06 ----------

I don't think I have pancreatitis, I am convinced it is pancreatic cancer :weep:
I can tell you for certain you don't have pancreatitis. I've had it, it's unpleasant. You'd be very poorly.

20-02-14, 22:36
the dr said your pancreas,spleen,liver, and kidneys all fine on scan. I asked were they definetly scanned she replies yes despite me not realising. however I don't think they were scanning me for long enough to check all of these things.

I'm sorry you're still so worked up, stressedmam, but this is making me scratch my head a little. How long do you think it takes to scan? It's not like those things are miles apart--they're all in the same neighborhood :). And I can't tell if you're thinking the doctor is lying to you, or if the doctor saw scan images and didn't notice there were no internal organs in it. Neither of these are very likely.

Nothing you've been describing sounds like pancreatic cancer (has IBS ever been discussed with you?), and I'm concerned that those three lovely kids are losing their mum to anxiety right now more than they ever will to this highly unlikely cancer. Are you doing anything for your anxiety, stressedmam? That's the best thing you can do for those kids.

20-02-14, 22:46
your right, this is taking over my life... I can normally pull myself out of it but this time I cant :( therapy didn't work (cbt) nor has the tablets I got from homeopothist.

my kids need me but I feel useless atm

20-02-14, 22:52
Anxiety is kind of like addiction--help isn't always enough to cure it the first time--so I'd encourage you to try again. Why don't you have a look at the online CBT4panic course that's available through here? It might feel good to at least feel like you're exploring options, and it doesn't cost anything.

20-02-14, 23:10
You mentioned pancreatitis further up.
Will you not consider it could be Ibs caused by worrying over your symptoms? It's a vicious circle. The first thing to go when you worry us your digestive system as your body is busy preparing for a fight and isn't interested in digesting food.
I think you need to go to the dr (i know you've been already) be straight with them, tell them you think you have cancer, see what they say and then try and move on.

21-02-14, 09:30
Today is the start of a new day, yes my pains are still there but on a pain scale of1-10 my stomach is a 1-2 and my back is 2-3, going to really try and not stress about this, back to dr in 13 days plus my husband is not on nightshift which he has been all week hence me stressing out more, so that will stop me from googling as much, also I'm at work for the next 5 days from tomorrow so hopefully my mind won't be working overtime lol.
Thanks for all the help, I'm going to try and pull myself out of this.

21-02-14, 21:36
That's a good sign Stressed! How did the day go?

21-02-14, 21:53
Not too good lol :weep: haven't noticed stomach twinges much but my back has been really bad ... I got the dr to ring me back today but she didn't seem concerned at all..:shrug:

21-02-14, 22:31
It's good if the Dr is not concerned. You know I have the same worries and concerns as you. However we have to believe our Drs as they have seen patients who have the diseases we worry about so know when there are real worries. I'm trying to downgrade my HA to IBS. Let me know how you get on.

22-02-14, 00:50
hi Stressed....I know how bad this fear of PC can be...I'm right in the middle of my second battle with this worry..I first had it in 2012..I made several posts about it then...like your doctor..mine wasn't concerned...he sent me for an ultrasound and of course he was right and as usual I was wrong...now I have the abdominal pain and back pain so my HA mind goes to the old standby..PC...I mean what else can it be right?....anyway..I hope you feel better soon...I am planning to see my doc when I get back from vacation next week...then I will make an appointment with a new psychologist as the one I used to see moved away from the city where I am. I think we need to trust our docs more and seek out good therapists to help with our HA....I really hope you feel better soon and we both get good news from the docs

22-02-14, 03:28
since the beginning of January I have been getting some awful symptoms, slight stitch in left rib somewhere, upper left back burning and aching from spine to shoulder blade, and random shooting twinge like pains in my left abdomen , the only way I can describe the area of the twinges is directly 2-3 in below my left nipple area , which go as far down as in line with my navel. on a pain scale 1-20 they are a 2, so not too painful.

dr google tells me I have oancreatic cancer, pancreatitis or an ulcer, I tested negative for h pylori so an ulcer is unlikely.
ultrasound I had in oct on my ovaries showed nothing on my pancreas .
really freaking out and cant stop looking for cancer statistics on pan c :( iv 3 lovely kids that need me .

lansoprazole and ranitidine aren't working for my supposedly reflux.

I had a dull ache with occasional sharp shooting twinges in my left rib area a few years ago. I remember having to leave a movie once, because I was too uncomfortable to remain in my seat.
This was before I had medical insurance, so I did nothing about it, and after a few weeks it tapered off and went away.
I now think I just pulled a muscle or something (I was involved in rowing at the time), but of course when it was happening I was terrified.
I hope yours will go away on its own soon.
One thing I learned from being uninsured is that many frightening symptoms do clear up on their own, given time.