View Full Version : Pain in neck and shoulders all the time

23-11-06, 14:12
Yes here we go its that Amanda again !!! I suffer most of the time with tight neck and shoulders. Due to me being a real worry guts I know that this is all my fault. Regards Amanda Harrison

Amanda. Harrison

23-11-06, 14:22
hi amanda i get this alot too,so just to say your not on your own,this is all down to being tense and stressed,i do try to do relaxation cd this can help.tc tracy

23-11-06, 16:47
Hi Amanda

I suffer with this all the time. A tight uncomfortable neck is usually one of my first symptoms that I'm anxious, even when I haven't realised it. I also find I have to remind myself not to have my shoulder up by my ears with tension, and consciously lower them. Sometimes I have to do this more than once before my shoulders realise where they belong. But it does ease the tension eventually.

I also find a relaxing bath with lavendar essential oil helps, or lavendar essential oil on my pillow. I go to pilates once a week. Its not much and sometimes is so cold & dark out I don't want to go. But I always feel better afterwards so its worth it. Makes me focus on other things and its relaxing and low impact. Lovely.


Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.

23-11-06, 17:51
Before I really knew I suffered from anxiety I had this problem (and still do) and was forever thinking it was something to do with my pillows, so I spent a fortune on the poshest sort I could get all to no avail.

What has helped in the end is doing yoga - I now try to do some of the neck and shoulder stretches to help loosen those tight muscles.

Piglet :)

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

23-11-06, 19:30
I have this all the time, my shoulders, neck, ears, jaw and face all ache and has even been mistaken for sinus pain for 2 years, lol!