View Full Version : Extreme High BP?

20-02-14, 18:23
Hey all, as many know I have been having headaches/dizziness and facial flushing. About 1 hour ago I was sat at my computer not really worrying over health related issues and I was again overcome by a burning hot face/neck and chest.

I had already been told to monitor my BP levels because they were raised at the docs office a week or so ago, I tested and my levels are in the range of 150-160/ 108-117.....my heart rate however was 78.

I guess what I'm wondering is, is this high bp causing these other symptoms. I called my Docs but was told to come again 2moro at 9:30am and if I felt faint to go to A+E :unsure:

20-02-14, 19:25
Hi hun,

I'm not great on high BP as mine is always low but I no with really really high bp u can get a severe headache higher then urs, but looking into it u don't really have any symptoms with a high BP. Don't want to be rude but what's ur diet like as that can give u a high bp?

20-02-14, 20:15
Diet hasn't been bad really, I have twin daughters aged 2 at home, but before that I was at the gym 3 days per week and had my lowest weight and body fat ever, of course since then I have put a little weight on, but since xmas I had actually dropped half a stone and wasnt far off my target weight again.

I had been eating low carb/high fat/high protein diet.

---------- Post added at 20:15 ---------- Previous post was at 20:04 ----------

BP coming down a tad, although I have taken 10 mg diazepam, 125/95.

Perhaps I need horse tranquilizers for my anxiety :)

20-02-14, 20:21
Hi Vig.

As the other member said, high BP could cause headaches, but more commonly there are no symptoms. Anything up to 160/100 is not too much to worry about (although that is the point where lifestyle changes should be looked into, to get it down to as close as 120/80, the optimal level).

The lower number (diastolic) is on the high side, but if your having an anxious day, you can't really take that as your normal BP.

Have they gave you a 24 hour monitor?

Don't get alarmed. By some high readings, when I used to suffer with high anxiety, I would see 189/110 (although why I took my BP during panic, god only knows !!!).

Pop back and talk to your doc, he may recommend lifestyle changes, diet, stop smoking, less salt and alcohol, exercise to bring it down naturally, or otherwise. But try not to worry, high BP doesn't do damage overnight, it can take years, so in a way, knowing it's high now, gives you the opportunity to get it under control :)

20-02-14, 20:27
Are you due your period at all? I'm wondering if that's why mine was higher the other day. Aside from me worrying about taking my bp. I did a post the other day as I had a high reading which freaked me out.
It's been relatively normal since I've tried to keep calm when taking it. Though I haven't really taken it very often since then anyway.

---------- Post added at 20:27 ---------- Previous post was at 20:27 ----------

Apparently celery and camomile tea are good at getting your bp down naturally.

20-02-14, 21:06
Thanks for the replies, and a special thanks to mummy, I'm a male but that put a smile on my face!

I was a little throw because my heart rate was a fairly normal reading which kinda made me think it wasnt anxiety/stress or panic induced. It was high on 3 readings at the doctors office one week ago. I have to admit my bp has always been a little on the high side for my age usually between the 80s/90s bottom line.

What made me test today was the hot flush, and at that point it had spiked to 117 diastolic reading, Last year I did take Propanolol 80mg sustained release caps or whatever they are called for anxiety but found they took my bp to normal range too, only reason I stopped was due to very cold fingers ( maybe side effect)

Maybe I should mention the possibility of trying them again?

20-02-14, 21:12
Might be worth it mate, it ain't PMT that's for sure ;)

I wouldn't pay too much attention to your BPM, even when I was really anxious, my heart rate hovered around 70 bpm when my BP was through the roof. I have a resting heart rate of 61, so anxiety never really sent it through the roof.

Incidentally,I used to take propananol when feeling anxious, only as and when needed. It did chill me down a little and brought the BP down during anxiety attacks.

But always discuss with your GP :)

20-02-14, 21:47
Oh ha ha ha, sorry saw the twin girls bit at home and assumed very wrongly!

21-02-14, 11:46
Doc checked me again this morning, bp 170/110, he has given me Lisinopril 5mg to start today (my family also have a history of higher bp, my gran died after 2 massive strokes)

Also I have to have a blood test for kidneys at 1:40pm today.

I'm concerned about going on these, I see side effects as Headaches/dizziness, I already have both of these symptoms.....

I also got a date to see a Neurologist....April 15th! I take it that means no one is actually concerned I have a BT then? an appointment that is nearly 8 weeks away.

21-02-14, 13:36
I wouldn't worry too much about side effects; better to be on the meds. Good luck and try not to worry now your BP should be under control. Don't hesitate to visit the ER if you still don't like your readings; the worst that can happen is they'll tell you you're being silly.

21-02-14, 14:41

Had the Blood test now so I have just taken my first pill, I had a chat to the pharmacist, who explained that she often sees patients with headache/dizziness being caused by the uncontrolled pb.

Also I can hear my heartbeat in my left ear? or feel it?

I was also unsure if I could take certain painkillers with those pills but she assured me that should be fine.

22-02-14, 18:00
Hmm maybe a bit better today!, took my second bp pill this morning after awaking to go food shopping at 6am, didn't have headache on waking!

overall have felt less dizzy/lightheaded/dereal today, although I did get a headache start coming on and building up as the day progressed.

My bp has dropped some what from pre pill readings, averaging something like 140/95.

Got my twin daughters christening 2moro and I'm not great in social situations, hopefully that goes fine and that I improve daily after that.

22-02-14, 18:18
Could you just be getting anxious about the christening? So it's a false high? If that makes sense.
I know I get very anxious about social situations, even ones that I am going to enjoy.
Hope it goes well :)

22-02-14, 20:48
Well it's defo getting to me a bit, not really helped when my fiancee's mum/bro don't get on with me. Been trying to make up and move on with her bro for 4-5 months but all I get the snub/ignore and he's actually coming to the Christening.

Stress don't you just love it :(

---------- Post added at 20:48 ---------- Previous post was at 20:22 ----------

I have that feeling that I will never ever feel well again. I feel like a train wreck, high bp, waiting for a neurology app to talk to them about headaches that I have been getting on and off for 18 months and the dizziness feeling I have had for the last 2 weeks. Worried Its a BT.

apart from that I'm also sat waiting for an appointment to see a professor of opthamology because I have the incurable cornea disease Keratoconus, that is heading towards a cornea transplant, I have this looming fear that my one good eye is going to follow suit too since it also has early signs of the disease.

22-02-14, 23:41
Hope all goes well at the christening. If you have had these symptoms for 18 months they would have gotten worse if it was a bt, surely. Could be blood pressure, sinuses, ear problem, any number of things.I hope you feel better soon.