View Full Version : Im worried, possible hiv please help?

20-02-14, 21:39
I have always been worried about HIV and finally on December 2013 I managed to get an STD test including HIV, I only had one sexual partner and the last time we had sex was June 2012 and we broke up, anyways my test came negative. I forgot all about it but since last week I started worrying about the guy that I made out with but we did not have sex only genital rubbing (frottage), we were both wet but never had intercourse. Im not sure exactly when it happened but it was something like middle or end of September 2013. When i went to get tested I did not tell the nurse about this because I thought it wasnt risky i just told about my sexual encounter but now i started worrying about it. My results were negative but im still worried because I dont think it had been exactly 3 months after this event. Now I have bad sore throat and fatigue scared its beggining of hiv symptoms. Would the results still be accurate after 2 months?

20-02-14, 21:56
Your fine you don't have hiv.

20-02-14, 22:16
You cannot catch hiv doing what you have described.
3 months is old hat, modern tests are accurate after 4-6 weeks. 3 months may be relevant in a high risk exposure. Yours was 0 risk.
Rest easy.

22-02-14, 04:11
From what you've said, it doesn't sound like you have HIV. Your tests previously have all come back negative, and you haven't had any intercourse since. If you are still really worried, go to a clinic and ask for another round of tests. No harm in checking again if it will relieve your anxiety symptoms. In the future just be sure to ALWAYS use a barrier protection (i.e. condom). This will not only protect you from any STI/STDs and unwanted pregnancy, but it will also reduce your anxiety in the future knowing you've been engaging in safe practices.

22-02-14, 13:39
HIV is fragile and dies in the air pretty quickly so even if you had someone else's HIV infected bodily fluids on your hands and then you touched yourself intimately (or vice versa) the virus would have an incredibly hard time transmitting. I don't think I've ever heard of any documenting cases of HIV passing this way.

The possible routes to transmission are unprotected sexual intercourse (vaginal or anal), oral sex (low risk), breast feeding, blood transfusions in the 80s, IV drug use with shared needles. direct blood transfer (needle stick injuries, blood splatter in the eye, mouth, nose, open wounds - mostly seen in healthcare settings but very rare), mother to baby transmission in pregnancy or birth.