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View Full Version : Law of attraction made my anxiety worse, any advice?

20-02-14, 22:00
I suffer with anxiety, I looked into the law of attraction as making me feel better, in fact it made me a lot worse, if we attract things we want and we also attract things we don't want, say for example we think of how horrible it would be for some one we love to become ill,if we think of that, attract that does that mean its my fault, I found myself consumed with guilt, scared that I am going to attract something bad cause I think of it, I feel as though I am going crazy, I can't talk to my doctor cause I know I sound nuts, its just eating me up in side and I am constantly stressed.:weep:

11-07-14, 18:26
You can't attract bad things for other people. How do I know that? I've been using the law of attraction successfully for 29 years. You can't create negative things in other people's experiences. If you could, everyone who has ever thought, "I wish that person would die" would see that person die and feel terrible about it.

The only way you can cause something to happen, using the law of attraction in another person's life, is if they want it to happen. For example, if you're attracted to another and you they are also attracted to you, you can use the law of attraction to cause a date to happen.

As to worrying about attracting something bad for yourself. You can do that but to do that, you have to overcome your natural resistance to having bad things happen to you. That takes A LOT of focus and rarely happens because not very many people want to focus on a specific bad thing happening to them enough for it to happen. Case in point, would you intentionally focus day in and day out about someone slashing your tires? After thinking about it twice, you'd be bored and go think about something else.

Hope that helps.

11-07-14, 19:15
Hi Namaste, to use the Laws of Attraction to you have to be positive all the time - i'm not very good at doing that with negative thinking patterns that are hard to break, thanks.

22-07-14, 14:12
Sorry if I'm a bit late to this thread, but I feel I need to say something here.

Leaving aside the question of the metaphysical truth or otherwise in back of the Law of Attraction, to me it's obvious that it has a major downside for anxious people. It's bad enough being worried about, say, the possibility of being burgled without having to take on board the notion that you're more likely to be burgled because you're worried about it.

22-07-14, 17:06
The Law of attraction and many other things like this are just theories. Things happen and we can't control them. We can only stay calm and seize the happiness when we feel it.
This is just someone trying to figure out how things happen in life, is there a pattern?
Not that we can figure out if there is such a thing.
The only thing you should think is this: if you be positive it will seem like you are attracting good things because you are only focusing on the good as you are being positive. Like if we worry constantly and are anxious we only really see the negative and it may seem like we are attracting bad luck or whatever but we're not.
What I mean is: it's all how you percieve it and how you interpretate it.

23-08-14, 22:10
These ideologies put you at the epicentre of life. So subtly they 'blame' you when things don't go as you think they should. Well there is a reason for this clever caveat hidden in these theories-let themselves of the hook. If it was scientific then it would work every time, the fact it doesn't suggests its hyperbole.

If you have anxiety, find something proven to work - cbt, mindfulness etc. They don't work for everyone all the time, but they're a lot better than these dangerous gimicks.

23-08-14, 23:56
This law of attraction doesn't work at all! I read the book watched the film. It states that you are to imagine having the things that you want and you will attract them.

Now think if all if those people on Xfactor and American idol who have imagined themselves as pop stars for years. Then they audition and sound terrible! They will never be pop stars.

On my teen years I would imagine me living a life way different to the one I had now.