View Full Version : how long do your symptoms last?

20-02-14, 22:30
I guess my HA has gotten drastically worse in the last 2 or so year.

I had a weird feeling in my left head , not a headache as such but a gnawing feeling, this went on for about 3-4 month , had a ct scan on my head-turned out to be migraines. I had convinced myself it was a brain tumour.

I was fine for a few month just the odd blip here and there but I was rational about the odd pain I got and I seem ok as long as it doesn't last longer then a few days.

next my breast episode came- which went on for about 7 weeks -pain in my left breast- ultrasound was ok, no lumps,cysts or anything. I had convinced myself it was breast cancer.

then along came the pain in my left leg- again this was a 7-8 week pain that wouldn't go away, dr wasn't worried at all so didn't refer me for any tests. sounded like sciatica according to dr. someone at work told me her sisters lung cancer got diagnosed as she had pain in the leg- this then convinced me I had it, it didn't help that the homeopathist I paid to see privately told me her mother had lymphoma in her sciatic nerve which first presented with left leg pain.

Next in line was the pain in my lower left abdomen for 6 weeks, I got refered for an ultrasound due to already having pcos, scan was fine. dr said the pain sounded like ibs related.

Now I have been experiencing twinges in left upper abdomen and a burning sensation in my left upper back for 7 weeks, I am convinced it is pancreatic cancer....

20-02-14, 22:44
and what help are you getting with the HA?

20-02-14, 22:51
nothing atm... I am on the waiting list for cbt again but when I get to the top of the list I feel fine soget discharged, its like a viscous circle.

20-02-14, 23:08
There is a free CBT program online which is excellent. Therebarevalso many helpful meditation videos on YouTube. Try journaling or watching something funny that will make you laugh. My anxiety always gets worse when I do nothing to help myself. Sitting around and worrying about the physical symptoms will not help you at all.

20-02-14, 23:29
There are loads of self help things you can do in the meantime though