View Full Version : Dose Question..advice please

21-02-14, 13:23
Ok so im 10 days in and have 11 days left before my sick note runs out. The side effects are still there but more manageable now.
The thing is I still find it hard to get out of the house and am inclined to not get out of bed some days. I ache a lot and although I can feel my mood improved at times around my 'safe people' I'm still anxious and slightly paranoid around anyone else.
Does this mean I need a higher dose or is it too soon to tell? Id honestly rather not increase but am prepared to if it means I can feel up to getting out and around others again.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated xx

21-02-14, 13:36
I was supposed to increase from 10 to 20 after a week, but was too scared. I saw the GP yesterday and he said to try 15 then increase. I think 20 is the normal dose. I'm still taking some diazepam and still fretting about my stomach, which the GP thinks is anxiety related. From what I've read on here it can take a long time to really make a difference so I guess you just have to sit it out. Maybe you should speak to your GP or pharmacist. Good luck and let's hope we feel better soon x

21-02-14, 13:42
Thanks for the reply Jilly, I was put on 20 straight away as well as propanalol and diazepam for emergencies. Some days I don't even get dressed...like today. I want to want to do normal things I feel so so frustrated with myself!! I'm in the middle of my NVQ3 Hairdressing and needed the sick note to retain childcare funding. I think I'll lose funding if I don't go back after this sick note...but I just can't see myself weilding a pair of scissors or dealing with clients or even my class mates while im like this...just the thought of getting my little one and myself up and ready and the tram to the childminders brings me out in a sweat! Just want to feel normal again and quick :'( xx

21-02-14, 14:28
10 days is still very early for citalopram, it normally takes at least a month to start seeing any improvement, so the dose you are on will have not have taken its full effect yet.

Make an appointment with your GP and ask them thier opinion of if you should up your dose

21-02-14, 16:14
Well you've got another 11 days of your sick note so hopefully by then you'll feel a bit better. I'm really having to push myself to do anything! I do walk the dog, normally with my husband and my sister pushed me out for a walk the other day and I must say I did feel better for it. If I didn't push myself I'd probably just sit here browsing the internet and worrying about my stomach ( which is what I seem to be doing most of the time). Maybe you'll actually feel better once you are back doing your course and have a purpose to your day. Unfortunately I was made redundant last year which I don't think has helped my situation as I have too much time to think and lack motivation to do anything else. I have started going to yoga with my sister and actually went on my own this week. It's a bummer feeling like this but I suppose we've tried too long to cope and it's the body's way of saying slow down and take stock. Try and keep up with your course because you'll feel so proud of yourself when you get it. X

21-02-14, 16:24
Thanks Venus, I just really hope it kicks in before my sick note runs out which is when my next doctors appointment is xx

---------- Post added at 16:24 ---------- Previous post was at 16:19 ----------

That's great you are getting out and about Jilly...and well done going to a class by yourself I really wish I was at that point...I guess I'll just have to wait and see. I did go to Tesco with my partner and his two kids earlier this week and managed but felt like a complete space cadet while there...everything seemed surreal.
Suppose I have to just keep trying when I have a not so bad day to get out until I notice I don't feel quite so odd! Xx

21-02-14, 17:48
it took just over 2 months before I noticed any improvement on 10mg, and almost 2 months on 20mg again noticing an improvement. Don't rush too fast your body and brain need time to adjust.