View Full Version : Huge eye floater scaring me

21-02-14, 13:46
I've been having issues with flashes in my left eye for about six weeks. Then last week this big floater appeared in the inside corner. It's there every day, especially in the mornings, and honestly looks like a hair or a bug crawling on my nose. I went to the hospital at the start and again after the floater appeared, and both times they dilated my pupil and said my retina looked fine, but to come back if things got worse. So now whenever I get any other floaters in that eye, like today, I'm freaked out. I'm 22 so I don't know why I'd be getting retinal issues, though I am -4.5 shortsighted.

Anyone else get floaters? Can anxiety really cause them?

21-02-14, 14:02
Yes this is completely normal, i get this all the time :)

21-02-14, 14:02
Floaters don't happen on your retina--they happen in the vitreous humor, which is basically the bulk of the "filling" of the eye. They are more common in nearsighted people, but pretty much everybody has them as they get older. Anxiety doesn't make them happen but it makes you aware of them in a way non-anxious people aren't (there's even a name for that).

So your challenge is to learn to look through them rather than at them. Hopefully it'll help now that you know that your eyes are fine, so they're not signs of anything bad!

21-02-14, 15:21
Freaked, from all your posts it really does sound like you're experiencing migraine.

Didn't your doctors already talk to you about this, I think I remember you posting about that diagnosis before?

Have a read of this and see what you think:


22-02-14, 03:51
I have one that I only see while driving (when the sun is in my eyes).
It looks like a long worm made up of many small, round segments; it is clear / transparent.
I noticed this first about five years ago, and it has not progressed.
I am assuming it is nothing serious, or it would've.
Nevertheless, it is disconcerting. The first time I saw it, I thought I had a parasite in my eyes.

22-02-14, 03:58
I have floaters too. They annoy me sometimes but they are not serious. I'm 31.