View Full Version : panic when alone

21-02-14, 13:46
hello! this is my first post on here, so sorry if this is in the wrong place/a bit pointless, but basically i'm a 20 yr old student in my first year at uni, i've had panic attacks for a few years now and it comes and goes in waves, things have been feeling fairly good recently. the only thing i'm struggling with is when i'm working alone in my room, i find that if i spend 2 or more hours alone i start to just lose touch with reality and get a horrible detatched feeling and can't really relate to anything around me, i then get reaaallyyy freaked out at the idea of having to leave the house because nothing feels real and i hate having panic attacks when i'm out of the house! i also get worried about having to talk to someone else. does anyone else get this? it's like i get completely stuck in my own brain if i spend too long by myself! it's a horrible feeling bleugh

21-02-14, 13:55
Hello :) Just understand that you are safe, you are not coming to any harm when you panic, your having panic attacks because you are fearing the fear...It is completely inappropriate. You might now this already consciously, but you need to keep convincing your mind this and sooner or later it will believe you are safe and there is no threat - this will help you become aware that you don't need to panic

21-02-14, 14:02

Monophobia was one of my big ones, I hated being alone, mainly as the main cause of my panic/anx happened when I was alone.

To be honest the only way you can solve it is to actually keep at it, keep being alone to prove to yourself that there is nothing to worry about. (people kept telling me this but I struggled lots to see it)
