View Full Version : pulled muscle in ribcage under heart :(

21-02-14, 15:28
like the title says....I'm afraid i'm gonna get a heart attack or something awful :-/

21-02-14, 15:52
Hi Kitkat, a pulled muscle quite simply cannot cause a heart attack. So let that worry go, it will do you no good to hang on to it x

24-02-14, 00:27
Oh I get this quite often actually. I remember often thinking 'Oh goodness my hear I'm going to have a heart attack', but now that my anxiety is under control and I understand a lot more about human anatomy and body function I can definitely just put it down to that darn muscle under the heart and let it be.

24-02-14, 00:29
like the title says....I'm afraid i'm gonna get a heart attack or something awful :-/

Physiologically impossible....

Positive thoughts

24-02-14, 00:47
You get a heart attack from a blocked artery not a pulled muscle