View Full Version : Wisdom Tooth!

21-02-14, 15:29
I had a referral appointment yesterday about having my upper right wisdom tooth removed. It is so far back in my mouth that it is almost impossible to reach when brushing so it has started to decay and needs to come out. Apart from that it doesn't cause me any problems..... or so I thought! Whilst there she casually asked me if I ever get any ear pressure on the tooth side......... YES!!! I've had this for years which at times has caused me dizziness. I've had my ears checked before and there are no signs of infection or other issues - only that I possibly could have an inner ear blockage. She also noted a click on the right side of my jaw which has never really bothered me (I haven't always noticed it). I never do this anymore but I googled all this when I got home and was surprised at the symptoms a wisdom tooth can cause. Also read a bit about TMJ. I'm not for one moment diagnosing myself and I'm not in the least bit worried but it makes me wonder if this has possibly been my underlying problem all these years. It will be interesting to see if my ear symptoms disappear or lessen once the tooth is out! I now have 2 weeks to psyche myself up for this........ :scared15::scared15:!!! xxx

21-02-14, 15:43
Interesting as I have ear problems and get quite a few headaches. I had to wear a guard thing over my teeth for a while a few years ago as the dentist said it is my undershot jaw that causes the ear and headache problems.

21-02-14, 15:56
It doesn't sound like you're doing yourself harm here with self diagnosis, that just sounds like you're putting two and two together and figuring out something that will help you.

I too have TMJ and it triggers vestibular migraine for me, which messes with my balance. Am trying to get it sorted now and hopefully have a less dizzy future!

There's lots you can do for TMJ at home, so it might help to try some things and see if they work for you :)

21-02-14, 16:28
Thank you for your reply ladies. I rarely have anxiety issues these days so googling was never going to cause me an issue. If it had been a couple of years back though...... :huh:!

The TMJ article certainly made for an interesting read and is certainly something I am going to speak to my dentist about on my next visit. It would be so nice though if having the wisdom tooth removed eased the pressure. I'm feeling it now and it makes me feel a bit off balance. I can also feel a stiffness in my right eye which is another symptom I've had on/off for a while. It's all good though. I've learned to live with it and I carry. It's a minor irritation if nothing else. Can't say I'm looking forward to the tooth removal though. Been told it's highly likely I'll have to have my gums cut with stitches afterwards. Deep joy!! :huh::huh: xx

21-02-14, 16:38
I had a tooth out a couple of years ago and had my gum cut and stitches in. It didn't take long too heal. Just make sure that you keep rinsing with salt water. xx

21-02-14, 16:51
I was just talking about wisdom tooth removal with some people at work this week, and you know they all said that everyone makes it out to be this horrible experience but actually it's not that bad at all! They all said it wasn't anything like they expected, and that even came from someone who had all four of them removed at once.

So I hope you find the same :)

I've never had one out myself, but I understand you feeling a bit anxious about it. I'm sure it will all go well x

21-02-14, 16:55
Thanks Annie. It's not causing me any anxiety but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a bit nervous about it. I'll be fully awake and the thought of what they'll be doing...... :huh:! Because of the position of the tooth, I've been warned about the bleeding and swelling. On a positive note I've been told to rest for a few days afterwards. Can't wait for that bit. Sounds like a pyjama, feel sorry for myself, quilt on sofa couple of days. Wonder if I can milk that for a week :D:D!!! xx

Thank you HoneyLove - I've just gotten over my dentist fear so this is quite a challenge for me.

21-02-14, 17:05
Anyone would be nervous about it Meche so you are experiencing normal feelings. Thinking back to how you were about a year ago you sound AMAZING! Your attitude towards it is so good :) Yes the days rest after will be something to look forward to and make sure you have plenty of soup, yoghurt, jelly and anything else that doesn't need biting or chewing. That was the worst bit for me when we all went out to The Toby Carvery a couple of days later and everyone had plates of lovely roast dinner and I was eating tomato soup with a teaspoon lol :D