View Full Version : Help :(

23-11-06, 18:37
I've got a lump in my neck about a cm under where my jaw meets my skull.
I've had it for about a month and a half and initially I thought it was a swollen gland becuase I had a cold at the time but I've still got it :(

At first it doesn't feel too bad but because I know it's there I poke it and prod it and it starts feeling bigger. It moves about underneath my skin, it sort of clicks from side to side. I also can't feel it if I move my head to the right and I can feel it more when I move my head to the left,

Anyone know what it could be? I don't want to go to the doctors I'm terrified of them I get panic attacks just sitting in the waiting room. My mom just said it's nothing but I can't help worrying about it, especially as I googled it. [bad idea I know]

Please help! :(

23-11-06, 18:49
Yep I have one too.

Been there years and years and never got any worse.

I think it is a swollen gland or something but mine has never gone and I am still alive so it can't be anything fatal.

Try not to worry


People will forget what you said
People will forget what you did
But people will never forget how you made them feel

23-11-06, 18:53
Ahh thanks!
Lots of people have told me that but it's like argh my brain won't listen to it.

23-11-06, 19:35
First of all I have been where you are at at present im worrying over a gland in my neck, I know it comes up if I prod it so not sure why im panicking. I also have one on the back of my head where I don't normally get them and im panicking but deep down I know they are probably normal, my kids are all ill with colds and my body is probably just trying to fight the bug off.

Anyway I use to google glands and I can imagine what you read, it is scary stuff.

I know you say you don't like the drs but I promise you if you go they will reassure you and put your mind at rest, you will come out of there smiling and feeling like a weight has been lifted. I know thats how I feel when I have a worry. I get nervous before going but its for the best because what does worrying about it do? it won't make it go away, it will just take over your life every single day so by going the drs you are getting rid of that worry. The other option is not going and you will always worry about it, thats not a good idea as you will make yourself feel ill.

I promise you it won't be anything bad, if it moves and is soft its fine. If it were anything more sinister it would be very hard and fixed.

23-11-06, 21:31
Thanks for that :)
It helped a lot, especially the last line :)

27-11-06, 01:22
Hmm it kinda seems bigger today, but I have got a cold.

27-11-06, 13:42
It might be a sebacious cyst?They are harmless and easily removed.I have one on my back and it does get bigger if I am run down or ill.

I also panic about going to the doctors, I know how you feel and I always feel very anxiouis in the waiting room.
Is there any way you can get to the doctors? Maybe you could go with someone and wait outside the waiting room until you are called in? I think it would be good for you to have your mind put to rest about what it is. I'm sorry I dont mean to sound patronising I know how difficult it is to get out I'm agoraphobic myself and always put off going to the doctors.

Hope you can get some reasurrance soon x

Also if it is a cyst try hot compresses on it about 4 times a day (soak a flannel with hot water and hold it over it for about 20 mins)that might help if it is a cyst.


01-12-06, 16:55
It's getting smaller now :D
It's actually almost gone now I think, I stopped prodding it so much. That's probably helped.

01-12-06, 18:43
I've got one as well, it used to really worry me alot, asked the doctor about it and he said it was fine.
Some days its bigger than others, and sometimes i hardly feel it, but mine never completely goes away. If i prod it a lot that can cause it to get bigger and raise up. I've had it for years , so im sure if it was anything sinister i wouldn't be here telling you this. Try to stop prodding it( i know thats hard though!!).

take care
shirley x

06-12-06, 22:55
It's gone, hurrah :D

06-12-06, 23:43
So very glad it's gone
